See the results of this poll: I would spell it…
Respondents: 33 (This poll is closed)
- Ramsay : 11 (33%)
- Ramsey: 22 (67%)
Respondents: 33 (This poll is closed)
Tied at 6/6
I guess it’s completely personal preference? More votes please!
I went with [name_m]Ramsay[/name_m]. I love that spelling, I don’t think [name_m]Ramsey[/name_m] is nearly as nice. I say them both as [name_m]Ram[/name_m]-zay I think.
I say them both as [name_m]Ram[/name_m]-zee. Whilst I usually go for “a” spellings ([name_u]Lindsay[/name_u], [name_u]Finlay[/name_u], etc), I like the look of [name_m]Ramsey[/name_m] more than I do [name_m]Ramsay[/name_m].
I say [name_m]Ram[/name_m]-zee for both so the spelling [name_m]Ramsay[/name_m] makes me falter slightly. The ‘zay’ pronunciation feels very forced in my english accent. I also prefer the look of [name_m]Ramsey[/name_m], most likely for this reason.
I’d use [name_m]Ramsay[/name_m] as due to [name_m]Gordon[/name_m] [name_m]Ramsay[/name_m]'s popularity it’s the one that looks correct to me.
I say it as a mix between ram-zay and ram-zee.
I prefer the [name_m]Ramsey[/name_m] spelling. I would prn them both the same, ram-zee.
I prefer [name_m]Ramsey[/name_m]. I pronounce both as “[name_m]RAM[/name_m]-zee,” so it makes more sense phonetically.
[name_m]Ramsey[/name_m] all the way!