[name_f]My[/name_f] 5 kids have honor names for middle names. But i’m wondering what the heck id do for a 6th!
I’m quite literally tapped out of honor names - with lack there of family even involved in our lives, I don’t have anyone else to honor!
[name_f]Do[/name_f] I get the ability to not use one and instead just pick a combo that I really love? Would baby 6 be sad they didn’t get a “meaningful” name? [name_f]Do[/name_f] I honor myself some how (i’m what’s left, dad got honored already?!)? So unsure!
Thank you for the input!!
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you have a great friend who you would want to honor? [name_u]Or[/name_u] how about someone that has influenced your life in a positive way?
For example, my cousin named his oldest son after a person who helped him get started in his choice of careers (which someone else ruined later out of spite) and his then-wife chose the middle name, that of one of his best friends who had been with him through everything.
I don’t have close friends, and ironically the only real last person I was close enough that I would want to even actually honor shared a name with one of the other honor names that was family
Either honor yourself, or find a name that has a connection to something important to your family! For example… Maybe you all really love spending time together at the beach, or maybe [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] is super important to your family. If you are religious you could honor something related to your faith. You could also honor a character or musician or artist!
Is there something else you would want to honor, like a fictional character? [name_u]Or[/name_u] a virtue that’s important to you, or a plant or place you love? I also think honoring yourself is nice, especially since dad has already been honored.
Otherwise, I don’t think it’s the end of the world if baby 6 doesn’t have an honor name.
what about a person who you admire?
Others have made good suggestions for other honor names, but I think it’s just fine if baby 6 doesn’t have one. Picking a combo you really love together can be their special ‘thing’! [name_u]Or[/name_u] maybe you get first choice on the middle name as an honor for yourself?
Echoing the above, I think it would be a really cool ‘naming story’ for baby 6 to learn that their name was picked purely for the love of it, if you do that, or for something close to your heart, like a hobby, passion or favourite book
[name_u]Honor[/name_u] yourself by picking what ever name you like.
I found online ancestry research pretty fun and easy maybe there are some good names a few generations back.
[name_f]My[/name_f] siblings and I have honor names as middles too. [name_f]My[/name_f] parents also ran out of people by the time they had the youngest, so they used names of their respective personal heroes. Maybe that could be a potential option?
I think choosing names you really love can be equally as significant and meaningful as honor names.
I have seven kids and their middle names are all significant in different ways. About half of them have direct family honors (some living, some not) and the others have a Biblical honor name.
If there’s not someone historical or fictional whose name you’d like to use — a great meaning, a virtue, or a favorite place could all be very special without honoring a particular person.
I agree with others that an honour name doesn’t have to directly honour a person in your family; it can come from anything that inspires you. The important thing, I think, if your other kids do have honour names, is to choose a name for #6 that you can tell them a story about.
In my husband’s family, it’s tradition for each child to have 2 middle names, one from each side of the family. We have 4 kids, and took a bit of a loose interpretation of the honours. One DD has a middle name that DH’s parents would have named a daughter if they’d had one. Another has a middle name that’s a favourite character from 2 books we and our parents both like. One has a name related to aviation, because that’s my dad’s passion. All of these also happened to be names that we really liked anyway, so it worked out well.
Absolutely!! I think having a name that your parents really loved is meaningful and special in itself, and choosing one you love could be a subtle way on honouring yourself - like a gift to your baby.
Some other things to consider (perhaps):
- a name that honours a place that’s important to you
- a name that honours a quality you find important or want your baby to have (something like [name_f]Hope[/name_f], [name_f]Carys[/name_f] (love), Justice)
- a name that honours something important or meaningful to you, your partner, your family etc. (like [name_f]Flora[/name_f], if anyone loves gardening)
Still, I think it’s totally acceptable to just go with one you love!
[name_u]Honour[/name_u] your darn self!!!
Honestly your the woman who grew and birthed six children yet haven’t been honoured yet?! However daddy already has! You put all the legwork in to produce these children. Pregnancy, birth and postpartum is no joke honour your self your a legend. I’m actually so fed up with seeing daddy’s always getting mentioned and society sees juniors as the norm yet when it comes to honouring mama it’s a huge taboo and weird. If daddy can be honoured so can mama!! [name_u]Honour[/name_u] yourself your the superhero who gave life to Six children
[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you have any family members who you maybe passed away before you were born, but were special to the people who you already honored? For example, maybe a great grandparent who was important in your mom or dad’s life?