These are my tope three girl names right now. i know they are different, but that’s why I like them.
[name]Charlize[/name] [name]Harper[/name] White
Dailee/[name]Daly[/name] [name]Kate[/name] White
[name]Sunday[/name] [name]Kate[/name] White
Mn are subject to change with choices like [name]Monroe[/name], Layce, [name]Charles[/name], and others.
Also would [name]Daly[/name] [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Sunday[/name] [name]Charles[/name] sound too similar as a sister sibset? (My name is lindsey alane and I have a sister who is lacey allyn and we never had a problem with the similarities)
I like [name]Charlize[/name] [name]Harper[/name] the most, since it has significance for you. I still love [name]Sunday[/name] [name]Kate[/name] though! [name]Charlize[/name] [name]Harper[/name] and [name]Sunday[/name] [name]Monroe[/name] perhaps? They’d make a great sibset [name]IMO[/name]! I really like [name]Izzy[/name] as a nickname for [name]Charlize[/name]
I think [name]Daly[/name] and [name]Sunday[/name] might be a little odd together. Not because of the similar sound, but because they both refer to days in a sense. Ex. “We exercise daily. We exercise on Sundays.” Idk, just doesn’t work in my opinion.
So, I’d go with [name]Charlize[/name] Layce and [name]Sunday[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. Or what about [name]Charlize[/name] and [name]Daly[/name]?
I like Dailee/[name]Daly[/name] the best actually, though I don’t think I’d be adventurous enough to use it on it’s own. I’d probably use it as a nn for [name]Dahlia[/name], [name]Magdalena[/name], etc.
I don’t like it with [name]Kate[/name] though. I think Dailee [name]Harper[/name] or Dailee [name]Monroe[/name] work better.
I agree with sunshine that the ‘day’ part of Dailee and [name]Sunday[/name] may be too close unless you plan to use [name]Sunny[/name] most of the time.
[name]Charlize[/name] is my favorite, but not with [name]Harper[/name] as a middle. I do like [name]Charlize[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. [name]Daly[/name] is 2nd and [name]Sunday[/name] last.
I love [name]Charlize[/name] [name]Harper[/name]. But please don’t call her E-z. Spell it any way Easy means slutty.
[name]Lize[/name] or [name]Lee[/name] or even [name]Leeza[/name] are nice. [name]Charlie[/name] is sweet. [name]Liz[/name] works. [name]Charla[/name] is ok. [name]Char[/name] is cute.
I think with [name]Charlize[/name], no matter if I plan on using Iz or [name]Izzy[/name], I’ll just end up calling her '[name]Lize[/name] or 'Lizey just the way it sounds in the actual name but with out the [name]Char[/name]
[name]Even[/name] though names like [name]Liz[/name] are in the spelling I dont like taking the sound of the actual name and completely changing it to fit a nickname like calling her liz or charli when the sounds in the name dont fit those nicknames. Does that make sense?
Absolutely:) That’s just a matter of preference. Some like far fetched nicknames as ways of using names they otherwise couldn’t, some doesn’t. Lizey sounds very sweet:)
Oh I’m going to be the horrible devils advocate and say “I miss [name]Vivi[/name] [name]Charles[/name]!” (I really loved that!) but moving on…haha
I love [name]Sunday[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. Really pretty. [name]Sunday[/name] White is a very specific image for me, very delicate and pure sounding, but thats not necessarily a bad thing, its memorable and vivid too.
[name]Charlize[/name] [name]Harper[/name] is nice too, that gets the [name]Charles[/name] connection in there. I think [name]Izzy[/name] would work as a nn, but I’d almost prefer it without a nn, just because then she blends in with all the [name]Isabella[/name] Izzys. I like [name]Char[/name] or [name]Lize[/name] though.
I’m on the fence with [name]Charlize[/name] [name]Harper[/name] - I like that [name]Charlize[/name] is different, reminds of [name]Charlize[/name] [name]Theron[/name] but that’s not a big issue. The name feels glamorous and unique and strong, I just… don’t know how much I like it. [name]Lize[/name] would be a great nn!
[name]Daly[/name] [name]Kate[/name]: my favorite of your combos. [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Daly[/name] for a boy, I like it here for a girl as well. But please for the love of all things, please don’t spell it Dailee!
[name]Sunday[/name] [name]Kate[/name]: I also like this combo. Flows better, I think, but I still like [name]Daly[/name] better.
[name]Do[/name] not like Layce or [name]Charles[/name] at all.