Announcing the [name_f]October[/name_f] 6th birth of [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] [name_m]Arnold[/name_m], little brother to [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] [name_m]Earl[/name_m]! We were able to do the home birth we wanted, and [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] is now 6 weeks old and doing well. [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] is a sweet big brother, when he isn’t trying to poke the baby too hard.
I posted a couple threads during my pregnancy, but [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] was on the table from the beginning and ended up being the name my husband and I both liked best this time. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though I didn’t need Nameberry very much during this pregnancy, I have the Berries to thank for bringing [name_m]Tobias[/name_m] to my attention years ago in a name game post. It has stood several years’ wear as one of my Top Ten boy names, and I was thrilled to get to use it.
[name_m]Tobias[/name_m] means “God is good,” and [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] is my dad’s middle name. [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] has a family middle from my husband’s side, so that seemed fair, and we liked the sound and the unexpectedness of [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] with [name_m]Tobias[/name_m]. Again, a girl would have been Deliverance. If there’s a “next time,” watch for boy posts, because we’ve now used our short-short boy list!
You know I’ve ALWAYS adored [name_m]Tobias[/name_m]! Wish I could get my hubby on board with it ” Makes me so happy to know your little boy is getting all that name-love
Congratulations again, and may your little family be very blessed indeed!