I can’t tell you how many times in the last 6 years I’ve had an argument with someone over whether my son’s name is a legitimate stand-alone name. So many people have tried to tell me it HAS TO BE short for [name]Lucas[/name]. Had this same inane conversation today at work. I asked the guy if he owns a bible.
No point to this other than to rant to people who might get it.
Wait… people don’t know that [name]Luke[/name] is a legitimate name?? That’s odd because it’s a pretty well known book in the Bible… Isn’t Christianity the first or second most popular religion in the world???
Rant on lol That would annoy me if people were to question the name I’ve given my child.
[name]Luke[/name] obviously goes back to biblical times. The people who are making a stink are obviously ignorant of that fact - or have conveniently forgotten it. For what it’s worth, I think [name]Luke[/name] is exponentially better than [name]Lucas[/name]. [name]Lucas[/name] = mucous. Gross.
Today, the argument ensued after I corrected him when he repeatedly referred to my son as “[name]Lucas[/name]”. This launched him into his diatribe about [name]Luke[/name] being short for [name]Lucas[/name]. The best part was when I pointed out it is a book in the bible and he said “yeah, but that’s in the New Testament”. Bananas I tell you.
… Oh wow… Well, just because the word “new” is used does not mean it’s recent lol Try like the SECOND century… And since we’re in the 21st that makes [name]Luke[/name] pretty darn old lol
You are completely right that [name]Luke[/name] is its own name. But even if it weren’t-- how rude for others to insist on what your son’s name “really” is! The fact that they are wrong only makes it double worse.
I guess it’s a good thing Disney is about to reboot [name]Star[/name] Wars, since it seems as though some people have forgotten [name]Luke[/name] Skywalker…
You’re right, it is it’s own name. Yes, it can be a nickname for [name]Lucas[/name] but its it’s own name too. And yeah, you should never tell someone what their child’s name is.
[name]Luke[/name] is a perfectly legitimate name on it’s own, and I prefer just [name]Luke[/name] to [name]Lucas[/name], which I see as a bit frilly (if boys names can be seen as frilly? Same thing with [name]Jake[/name] and [name]Jacob[/name]). [name]How[/name] rude of someone to tell you your son’s name is wrong, that’s just plain rude and also ignorant - New Testament wasn’t exactly written in 1973, was it?
Hahaha! So the New Testament was written after [name]Lucas[/name] got shortened to [name]Luke[/name]?
Biblical [name]Luke[/name] was probably named [name]Loukas[/name] since they didn’t speak English. But still [name]Luke[/name] is not a nn it’s the English form of [name]Loukas[/name]. That would be like saying [name]Mary[/name] is just a nn for [name]Maria[/name] and not a real name
Tell them to read the Bible…[name]Matthew[/name], [name]Mark[/name], and [name]John[/name] ring any bells for them? The next time they say that, tell them they need to be a better [name]Christian[/name], lol, that will get them!!
The only consolation you have is that you’re right and they’re wrong. The un-informed often amaze me with their ignorance. You have to laugh - for fear of crying