Well, here I go again. [name]Just[/name] a thank you to all the Berries who have helped me with the wild ride I’ve been through on here discussing various boy name picks. Hubby and I are all over the place with boy names.
Wanted to run this new thought by you. I am loving the name [name]Raphael[/name]. It has a great sound that is decidedly masculine. And I absolutely [name]LOVE[/name] the meaning, “God has healed.” Dealing with this endometriosis has been tough, and if we are blessed enough to ever have a son, I love the idea of using [name]Raphael[/name] for the meaning.
My concern is that it might sound too… cool for us to pull off. Hubs and I are both skinny, white, Big-Bang [name]Theory[/name]-esque nerds who enjoy [name]Star[/name] Trek, reading, woodworking, and knitting. Can we pull off [name]Raphael[/name]? Or are we destined to go with the safer [name]Leonard[/name] or [name]Howard[/name]? (hehe.)
Also, any nn suggestions? I went to school with a [name]Rafe[/name] and am not super excited about that. I like [name]Raphael[/name] no nn, but he’s probably bound to end up with one in our family. Let me know what you think!
First off, I love [name]Raphael[/name]:), its a family name for me. I don’t believe the name is too cool for you guys. I think it is perfect especially the meaning. I hope one day you are blessed with a child.
I love [name]Raphael[/name] with the nickname [name]Rafe[/name]. I do imagine a strong Italian when I hear the name, but I;m sure if you named your son this he would make it his. [name]Raphael[/name] doesn’t really need a nickname, but since you don’t like [name]Rafe[/name] you could try [name]Phil[/name] or [name]Ray[/name].
My son’s middle is [name]Raphael[/name]. Most people who bother to comment on it say it’s strong, striking, and artistic. The dominant association appears to be the Renaissance artist [name]Raphael[/name]. We are neither Italian nor Jewish but have not gotten any raised eyebrows. Then again we live in a hipstery pocket of LA.
I think it’s wonderful, but would probably not work with sisters named [name]May[/name] or [name]June[/name] or something else relatively sweet & simple.
I like [name]Raphael[/name] a lot. If your pronounce it RAUF-eh-uhl, as opposed to rau-fay-[name]EL[/name], it sounds a little less…intense, and that might be want you want.
I think it suits a geeky family just fine. It kind of has acool-nerd feel to it, anyway.
I really like [name]Raphael[/name]. If it wasn’t also the name of my husband’s favourite Ninja [name]Turtle[/name], I would have it on my long list. I think of the artist first so I picture an artistic type. I don’t think it’s one of those names- [name]Thor[/name], etc- that requires a certain personality to pull of at all.
It sounds perfect for you! [name]Even[/name] if you are a skinny, white, woodworking, knitting, Big Bang [name]Theory[/name] watching couple! I think the meaning is perfect for your situation. I like the nickname [name]Raff[/name].
I love [name]Raphael[/name]! It’s one of my favourite names. The meaning is beautiful! I think you can definitely pull it off - it does have an artistic image, but it’s also a classic, familiar and strong name with ties to [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Gabriel[/name]. [name]Love[/name] it!