Rate my names chain!

This is pretty self explanatory, but it’s an easy way to get ratings on your names if you don’t want to make an entire post about it. Basically, the person before you will put a list of their favorite names, and you will rate them out of ten, and then put your own list for the next person to rate. Try not to put too many names so people will actually want to respond. you can start with mine:

(in no order)
[name_f]Saoirse[/name_f] (seer-shuh)

have fun!!

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Marisol - It’s not my favorite [name_f]Mari[/name_f]- name, but I do like it. 7/10
Lonia - Not bad, but it’s not really my style. 4.5/10
[name_f]Saoirse[/name_f] - When I first saw the name a while back, I was way off on pronunciation, and I think first-time readers will probably feel the same. It does have a soft feel to it, though. 4/10
[name_f]Tova[/name_f] - I want to really like this one but something about it feels off to me. 7/10
[name_f]Iris[/name_f] - Not my style, but a nice name. 6/10
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - Same as [name_f]Iris[/name_f], but I like it a little more. 6.5/10
[name_f]Eliza[/name_f] - [name_f]My[/name_f] favorite nickname for [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f]! It could also stand on its own. Timeless and always appealing to me! 9.5/10
[name_u]Louise[/name_u] - I’m not much of a fan of feminizing masculine names (with a couple exceptions), but I do really like this name (especially more than [name_f]Louisa[/name_f]). I can only picture it on an adult, though. 7.5/10
[name_f]Meadow[/name_f] - I’m also not the biggest fan of word names, but this seems like a really nature-inspired name that has a pretty vibe. 6/10
[name_f]Katya[/name_f] - I prefer the spelling [name_f]Katia[/name_f], but I do love this name! I especially like its nickname potential - [name_f]Kat[/name_f], [name_u]Kay[/name_u], and [name_f]Kate[/name_f] immediately come to mind. 9.5/10

Names in my user card that I’m currently crushing on:


[name_f]Ciara[/name_f] (see-air-uh)
[name_f]Clara[/name_f] (claire-uh)

Marisol 7/10
Lonia 1/10
[name_f]Saoirse[/name_f] 7/10
[name_f]Tova[/name_f] 5/10 (prefer [name_f]Tove[/name_f] spelling)
[name_f]Iris[/name_f] 8/10
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] 7/10
[name_f]Eliza[/name_f] 8/10
[name_u]Louise[/name_u] 6/10
[name_f]Flora[/name_f] 6/10
[name_f]Lorelei[/name_f] 6/10
[name_f]Meadow[/name_f] 7/10
[name_f]Katya[/name_f] 7/10

now you say some names for the next person in the chain to rate!!

I’m so sorry, I totally wasn’t paying attention :woman_facepalming:t2: I thought this was a regular rate my names on the girls thread!


Elliott 7/10
[name_m]Harrison[/name_m] 6/10
[name_m]Garrett[/name_m] 1/10
[name_m]Aaron[/name_m] 1/10
[name_u]Alex[/name_u] 3/10
[name_u]Hayden[/name_u] 5/10
[name_f]Caroline[/name_f] 2/10
[name_f]Alice[/name_f] 2/10
[name_f]Ciara[/name_f] 1/10 (this is very much pronounced keer-uh to me - with that pronunciation, I’d give it a 3/10 - for the pronunciation you’re going for, I’d definitely stick with the [name_u]Sierra[/name_u] spelling)
[name_f]Clara[/name_f] 7/10
[name_f]Adelaide[/name_f] 6/10
[name_f]Harriet[/name_f] 4/10


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Anniston - 3/10 - too connected with [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] for my tastes (even with the different spelling)
[name_f]Kennadee[/name_f] - 2/10 with that spelling, 4/10 if spelled [name_u]Kennedy[/name_u]. - [name_u]New[/name_u] spelling seems unnecessary and makes me separate out the two halves of the name more: [name_f]Kenna[/name_f]-dee instead of [name_m]Ken[/name_m]-uh-dee. The stress seems to go in the wrong place.
Sitara - 7/10 - lovely sound, like the meaning of starlight.
[name_f]Lilia[/name_f] - 6/10 - not my personal favourite [name_f]Lil[/name_f]- name. Feels a little unfinished and prefer [name_f]Lillian[/name_f] but it’s sweet and easy to wear.
[name_u]Dove[/name_u] - 2/10 - nms. Not a huge fan, but recognise that nameberry at large seems to love it, especially for middle names.
Siarra - 4/10 - like [name_u]Sierra[/name_u] but not? I’d really just go for [name_u]Sierra[/name_u].
Syra - 7/10 - much prefer to Siarra, as it is clearly a separate name, rather than a change to an existing one. [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] sound, simple spelling.
[name_u]Reese[/name_u] - 3/10 - just don’t like it on a girl. Sounds nice though.
[name_f]Cambria[/name_f] - 6/10 - trendier than I’d usually go for but it does sound nice and has options for nicknames.
[name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] - 8/10 - lovely name. Timeless. Not sure I’d immediately pair it with some of the others on the list.
[name_f]Noura[/name_f] - 7/10 - had to check pronunciation, which suggested Noo-rah. Think it would be at substantial risk of being pronounced [name_f]Nora[/name_f] all the time. Would possibly prefer [name_f]Noor[/name_f] as a [name_f]Nora[/name_f] variant but this one is also lovely.


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Rosemary ~ 7/10. It’s cute (but not my style), and you would end up with a little [name_f]Rose[/name_f] or [name_f]Rosie[/name_f]. I do like it quite a lot, though. I think one thing holding me back is that I know a lot of Rosemarys.

Dorothy ~ 8/10. I’ve kind of been crushing on [name_f]Dorothy[/name_f] lately! I think it’s very cute.

Honora ~ 9/10. I absolutely love this! It’s got the perfect balance of vintage charm with something a little more bold, and I think it’s delightful. I prefer this spelling to [name_f]Annora[/name_f].

Josephine ~ 7/10. This is lovely, but because it’s still quite popular, it’s missing the quirkiness in some of your other lovely vintage choices.

Marjorie ~ 7/10. Although this still feels very old lady to me (more than the others), I don’t have any objective problems with it, and I think it would be worn well.

Wilfred ~ 8/10. This is having a moment around where I live, and I can’t pretend to be against it. I think it’s lovely!

Douglas ~ 6/10. Unfortunately, this hasn’t completed its 100 year turn for me, and feels quite middle-aged. However, out of the context of time, I quite like the sound.

Isidore ~ 8.5/10. I think this is really enchanting and sweet!

Augustus ~ 9/10. This is my favourite of your boys’ names and I think it’s delightful! It has so much magic and fun with a powerful stature.

Ignatius ~ 8/10. I absolutely love the vibe, even if the sound doesn’t quite do it for me.


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[name_f]Annelise[/name_f] - 8/10 [name_f]Annelise[/name_f] is a truly lovely name. [name_f]Anneliese[/name_f] is my preferred spelling, but they both sound the same! NN [name_f]Nellie[/name_f] is super cute.

[name_f]Adeline[/name_f] - 7/10 [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] is a fairly nice name. For some reason, it doesn’t feel too substantial. It’s very high fashion sounding, which I like.

[name_f]Claire[/name_f] - 8/10 [name_f]Claire[/name_f] is a pretty, versatile name. It isn’t particularly my style, but I still appreciate it. It makes for a great middle. [name_u]Clare[/name_u] is my favorite spelling.

[name_f]Clara[/name_f] - 9/10 Now [name_f]Clara[/name_f]? That’s my style. It’s just such a beautiful name! It invokes images of an artistic young lady who is also very bright.

[name_f]Elise[/name_f] - 6/10 It’s decent. [name_f]Elise[/name_f] rolls off the tongue, but it’s not my style- feels plain.

[name_f]Juliet[/name_f] - 9/10 [name_f]Juliet[/name_f] was a favorite of mine for a while. It’s unique, but known. It’s romantic and sort of …floral. It’s bold, but not at all ugly.

[name_f]Juliette[/name_f] - 5/10 [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] is kind of an overwhelming spelling. I can see the appeal, yet I feel like it’s trying too hard to be something it’s not.

[name_f]Nadia[/name_f] - 4/10 To be brutally honest… I don’t find the sound or spelling of [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] to be anything pretty.

[name_f]Natalia[/name_f] - 8/10 [name_f]Natalie[/name_f] is a 10/10 name for me, so naturally it’s sister [name_f]Natalia[/name_f] is close! Both pretty and substantial.

Vivienne- 8.5/10 A final case of not my favorite spelling! [name_u]Vivien[/name_u] and Vivian are mine. However, with any spelling it is a gorgeous name. The name is not too much or too little. It’s very trendy, too (up to you to decide if that’s good!).

I think I’d describe your naming style as elegant. The names you’ve given also give my kind of [name_u]French[/name_u] vibes.
Btw is your profile pic Your Lie in [name_f]April[/name_f]? [name_u]Love[/name_u] it!

(You don’t have to do ALL of these haha)


Chloé - 7/10 - I feel like unless you live in a country where accents on letters are the norm [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] would be easier, but I actually prefer it with the accent
[name_f]Aira[/name_f] - 4/10 or 6/10 - I’m not sure how to pronounce it so I’ve put 2 ratings; Eye-rah is 4/10, but [name_f]Air[/name_f]-ah is 6/10
[name_f]Lilia[/name_f] - 7/10
[name_f]Anniston[/name_f] - 8/10
[name_f]Kennadee[/name_f] - 6/10 - [name_u]Kennedy[/name_u] would be 10/10, but I’m not a fan of this spelling unless it has personal significance
[name_f]Clara[/name_f] - 7/10
[name_f]Anneliese[/name_f] - 9/10
[name_u]Elliot[/name_u] [name_u]Jay[/name_u] (EJ) - 8/10
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - 10/10
[name_u]Julian[/name_u] - 10/10
[name_m]Henry[/name_m] - 6/10


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