[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.
Here are my thoughts-
[name_f]Dolores[/name_f] Bee-Dolores is a little bit clunky for me, but [name_f]Dolores[/name_f] [name_f]Bee[/name_f] is so cute! I really like the nns [name_f]Lora[/name_f] & [name_f]Lola[/name_f] too. [name_f]Lola[/name_f] is even spunkier to lighten up [name_f]Dolores[/name_f]. [name_f]Dolores[/name_f] is most definitely unique at least. [name_u]Unique[/name_u] & old fashioned, which is nice.
[name_u]Eden[/name_u] Glory-I really like [name_u]Eden[/name_u]. It’s very peaceful, which makes sense. I’m not a fan of [name_f]Edie[/name_f] though; not sure why. [name_f]Glory[/name_f] is a bit much for me tastes. I think that [name_u]Eden[/name_u] [name_f]Gloria[/name_f] sounds less cheesy.
[name_u]Delaney[/name_u] [name_f]Mae[/name_f] ‘Lainey’-I think that [name_f]Lainey[/name_f] is really sweet, but not a fan of [name_u]Delaney[/name_u]. It feels a bit trendy. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though it’s not popular at all. It just has a cutesy last name feeling to it, which isn’t my favorite.
Would prefer [name_f]Elaina[/name_f] nn [name_f]Lainey[/name_f], I think? [name_m]Even[/name_m] though I prefer it spelled [name_f]Elena[/name_f]. [name_u]Delaney[/name_u] [name_f]Mae[/name_f] is also a bit rhyme-y. That being said, [name_u]Delaney[/name_u] isn’t awful at all. [name_m]Just[/name_m] not my cup of tea.
[name_f]Violetta[/name_f] [name_u]Clare[/name_u] ‘Vee’-I don’t know if I like [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] or not. I love just [name_f]Violet[/name_f]. [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] feels too fancy, but it’s interesting. Not a fan of Vee. I prefer [name_f]Vivie[/name_f] said Vee-vee.
[name_u]Clare[/name_u] Violetta-I like [name_f]Violetta[/name_f] better as a mn for something smart & polished like [name_u]Clare[/name_u]. This is pretty.
[name_m]Wilbur[/name_m] [name_f]Blythe[/name_f] ‘Will’-Even though I like the pig who shares the name, I’m not a fan of [name_m]Wilbur[/name_m]. It’s just a little too geeky for me. And I like geeky names. And I’m not a fan of the repeating ‘b’ in WilBur [name_f]Blythe[/name_f].
[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] Gregory-I love [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m]. It’s so romantic & artsy but has a sleek cool guy vibe too. And lots of fun nns like [name_m]Satch[/name_m], [name_m]Seb[/name_m], Sebby & Bash. [name_m]Gregory[/name_m] is just okay, but this combo flows really well.
[name_u]Arthur[/name_u] [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] ‘Arty’-Hm. I think that [name_u]Artie[/name_u] looks better. Either way, [name_m]Arty[/name_m] isn’t my style, but [name_u]Arthur[/name_u] is adorable. I prefer just [name_u]Arthur[/name_u] or the nn [name_u]Ace[/name_u]. [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] is okay. I don’t love this flow that much.
[name_u]Maxwell[/name_u] Otto-Now [name_u]Maxwell[/name_u] is geeky in an adorable way. [name_u]Maxwell[/name_u] [name_m]Otto[/name_m] is unexpected & just adorable. And I just love [name_u]Max[/name_u]. It’s so friendly.
[name_u]Sidney[/name_u] [name_u]Oliver[/name_u] ‘Sid’-I don’t know…I like this combo. And I do find [name_u]Sidney[/name_u] better for a boy. But I also think that it’s a little hard to say, & [name_u]Sid[/name_u] reminds me of the kid in [name_m]Toy[/name_m] [name_u]Story[/name_u].
[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps.