hiya, i’ve been very into making sibsets lately and sometimes i tend to get carried away… so rate my sibsets (all as first names) and tell me which one you like the most!
- euphemia, ariadne, hespera, calliope
- endellion, cleopha, vespertine, fiammetta
- everild, amarantha, celandine, perenelle
- eloise, sylviane, rosaline, coralie
- enya, nolwenn, adair, lourdes
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These are beautiful! My favourite is Eloise, Sylviane, Rosaline and Coralie!
To me
- euphemia, ariadne, hespera, calliope
- strong and feminine, I think of ancient stars
- endellion, cleopha, vespertine, fiammetta
- This is the hardest cuz nothing specific comes to my mind… It’s strong as well, maybe medieval castles and balls?
- everild, amarantha, celandine, perenelle
- earthy and romantic, reminds me of the four seasons
- eloise, sylviane, rosaline, coralie
- girlish, lacey, a mix of bookish/ outdoor-sy
- enya, nolwenn, adair, lourdes
- chic, I don’t know why but I think of outdoor photoshoots
#3 is my favourite but there’s something about #5 too…
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My favorite is definitely number 4!! I especially love Eloise!
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Calliope feels a little out of place to me, but just a tad. Overall, these would be gorgeously elegant sisters!
These feel like royal sisters from the future Fiammetta does feel somewhat out of place to me, but she still works well enough.
Everild feels like a different style to me than the rest of the names here, unfortunately. I think the thing is that it feels unisex to me, while the rest of the names feel super feminine. It still works, because it feels like it’s in the same realm, but to me, it doesn’t feel terribly cohesive. Overall, though, they do sound lovely together, especially Amarantha, Celandine, and Perenelle
This is so sweet!! I love how they all end in e, first of all. And I really like the nickname possibility of Elle, Sylvie, Rose, and Cora! I guess my only complaint here would be that Eloise feels a little simple next to the rest of the names, since they’re all a name with something else on the end, and Eloise is just a name. But they still sound really lovely together!
This is interesting! Nolwenn feels a little odd to me here for some reason that I can’t place. It just doesn’t really feel like Enya and Adair and Lourdes, I guess (although it would be wonderful with just Enya, imo!). The other three, though, sound lovely together, I really like them!
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- euphemia, ariadne, hespera, calliope - 9.5, I adore especially euphemia and ariardne
- endellion, cleopha, vespertine, fiammetta - 8, I like all the names but I feel like they are different styles between each other
- everild, amarantha, celandine, perenelle - 9.5,I adore amarantha and they sound so good together
- eloise, sylviane, rosaline, coralie - 8.5, I love all the names but I would prefer rosamund instead of rosaline
- enya, nolwenn, adair, lourdes - 7, I don’t like enya and I feel like lourdes doesn’t fit the sibset, being spanish
my favorite sibsets are euphemia, ariadne, hespera, calliope and everild, amarantha, celandine, perenelle
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This is such a magical, fairytale sister set. I adore these. I appreciate the two -a and two -e endings. 4/5
These are magical as well, but less princess and airy, and more dramatic and dark (in a very good way). This is probably my second favourite set. Here again I appreciate the two pairs of same sounds at the end. 5/5
Easily my favourite of your sets! I love that each name is slightly extravagant, but not over the top. They each have their own beginning and ending sounds. Very cohesive. 5/5
This is a very well matched sibset, feels quite berry like! Slightly more expected then some of your other pairings. 3/5
My favourite part of this set is how fun and eclectic they are. So unexpected, which is something I rate highly. Yet their length and eclectic nature brings them all together. 4/5
Overall, I love your sibling sets. I love the names you’ve put together as they feel very cohesive yet individual, which I think is the ultimate achievement! I like that they mostly share similar lengths and styles.
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[name_f]My[/name_f] favourite is number 2 (They go so well together in my opinion & I just love all the names), but #4 is lovely as well!
I’d rank them #2, #4, #1 (Wonderfully cohesive, some just aren’t my cup of tea), #5 (I just feel like [name_f]Lourdes[/name_f] is slightly out of place), & #3 (Same as 1, the names work well together though)
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I’ll rate them out of ten:)
euphemia, ariadne, hespera, calliope -8 - full of flair, full of fun nickname choices and very elegant
endellion, cleopha, vespertine, fiammetta - 7 - I love 3/4 of them. Cleopha feels a bit out of place and clunky. The others are sleek but warm
everild, amarantha, celandine, perenelle - 7 -floral, earthy and interesting
eloise, sylviane, rosaline, coralie -8 -these have [name_u]French[/name_u] flair and elegance
enya, nolwenn, adair, lourdes - 8 -ooh these are earthy, intriguing and bold
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These are lovely. [name_m]Set[/name_m] number four is my favorite.
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