Really Confused Now! Advice Needed Please!

[name]Hi[/name] All,

I posted on here not that long ago as we were considering the names [name]Caspian[/name] and [name]Quillan[/name] for our son due in a few months and we wanted your opinions.

After posting a poll and reading the comments we thought we had our named picked which was [name]Caspian[/name] but were going to keep [name]Quillan[/name] as our second choice.

However after mentioning the name to my husbands family and a few friends I now feel unsure about the name [name]Caspian[/name] as the feedback I have received has been negative. The comments I have received is that we need to give our son a “proper name”, that the name [name]Caspian[/name] is too feminine, that the name is too long and that he could get problems from his peers at school because of his name!!!

Anyway my husband and I have always said that it is ultimately our choice and as long as we feel that the name is right then that is all that matters. Having said that beacuse of the negative comments I am now having doubts and am wondering if we should start looking again for names. I don’t want to give our son a name if a lot of people are going to have negative feelings about his name. We want a name that is not popular but not too out there either.

I was just wondering if anyone can offer any advice, I just feel so confused now!!! Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to explain everything!

Any advice / thoughts would be really appreciated. Thanks.