reasurance/advice needed please!!

I am almost definitely sure I’m pregnant, short of taking a test.
My husband and I were planning on starting trying next month but had a slip up last month!

Anyway to cut a long story short my husband has been out of work for the last year (he’s in a band so technically ‘working’ but doesn’t make any money), he has a hugely important work meeting next week and I was going to tell him afterwards as I didn’t want to pile the pressure on but I’m getting really tired and snappy and I think I’m stressed about it.

I’m not really sure why it’s such a big deal but I think it’s going to really freak him out as it’s so early, I think he thought we’d be trying a while and he’d have another year to get used to the idea of another baby and now it’ll be 9months!

My advice need is do you think I man up and wait until after this meeting or just get it off my chest and say?
My main concern is that I really don’t want him to react badly to the news as it was so exciting with the first baby and I want it to be an equally happy occasion. I think this is the main thing making me hold off until after!

Thank-you I know this is really really silly I’m obviously being ridiculous and pregnant (I never was like this with the first!)

I would probably take a test/schedule an apt to be sure (though for me, I knew both times very early that I was preggo, its a distinct feeling amiright ? So you may be sure already but as definitive proof for him)
And it sounds like you think it would be best to wait until after the meeting to tell him so it may be best to trust that gut feeling…BUT, since you guys were planning to start trying next month, I don’t think it should come as too much of a shock! It only takes once, haha. I wouldn’t spend too much time worrying about his reaction, it will be what it will be and he may need a little time to adjust but he’s gonna be okay.

It’s hard to know how your relationship works. I waited to tell my husband till I had the positive test, then he was a little hurt that I didn’t tell him I was buying a test. I had similar work- stress reasons for not saying anything ahead of time. His point was that his number one priority is to be there for me, no matter what is going on or how stressful it might be. He doesn’t want me to protect him.

So again, I don’t know how your relationship works. If you tend to protect each other from stressful news/situations, I would go with that. If you think he would be hurt by not being involved in your early suspicions, tell him now.

I agree you need to follow your gut. Nobody is in your relationship with your husband but you.

That said…I waited to tell my DH until I’d gone to the doctor and gotten a positive test. (I only took one home test. Which seems to boggle peoples minds. But I saved the other one so I could tell DH and take the test so he got the experience of watching it become positive).

However, if it were me… I think I’d love to hear about the pregnancy after a HUGE work interview. Not just because it’s extra pressure but it’s also a distraction - albeit a good one. I wouldn’t worry about his reaction… he was excited about your son and he’ll be excited about this baby too… I think getting used to having #2 must be much easier than getting used to having #1. Instead of getting stressed about what his reaction will be why not focus all that energy on a fun way to announce it to him? Date night? Is your son going to help announce? Prep that… it will be fun and give you an outlet for all that pent-up excitement and energy until after his interview.

edited for privacy