Inspired by a large regency family, this CAF includes eight children and some grandchildren (hence some of the large age gaps between married couples), but I’ve included modern occupation options to make it more interesting. Please enjoy.
LN: ends in -ton
DH(53): FN can be nicknamed Eddie // MN is rising in popularity in the UK [occupation: beekeeper, army officer, estate manager, flight attendant, religious minister]
DW(51): FN is floral // MN is traditional (maiden: belongs to an Australian actor) [occupation: dance instructor, homemaker, gardener, wedding planner, primary school teacher]
DS1(33): FN was used by Shakespeare // MN is father’s FN [occupation: environmental conservationist, lawyer, tree surgeon, train driver, naval officer]
DS2(31): FN can be nicknamed Ben // MN is one syllable [occupation: artist, lawyer, cavalry officer, bookkeeper, croupier]
DS3(26): FN is falling in popularity in the US // MN is a European place name [occupation: gardener, chef, tour guide, PhD student, drummer]
DD1(24): FN appears in a children’s cartoon // MN is mother’s FN [occupation: jeweller, journalist, court clerk, proofreader, telemarketer]
DD2(20): FN has an uncertain etymology // MN is in the 2020 Spanish top 25 [occupation: horseriding instructor, English student, writer, entomologist, violinist]
DD3(19): FN is Italian // MN is a gemstone [occupation: psychology student, barmaid, club promoter, fashion student, accountancy student]
DS4 (16): FN has been used by multiple popes // MN is in the current England & Wales top 20
DD4(13): FN is an unusual plant name // MN honours father
DW(24): FN is an uncommon spelling of a classic name // MN is your top girl’s name (maiden: ends in -field) [occupation: house spouse, pianist, meteorologist, French teacher, florist]
DS1(2): FN is grandfather’s FN // MN is Biblical
DS2(exp): FN is in the 2020 US top 100 // MN is royal
DW(23): FN is in the US current top 10 // MN is a filler middle name (maiden: belongs to a British comedian) [occupation: nurse, mortician, real estate agent, architect, archivist]
DH(33): FN is 5 letters // MN1 is in the England & Wales top 10 // MN2 is associated with British royalty (LN: precedes “hound” to make a dog breed) [occupation: speech and language therapist, photographer, model, house spouse, careers adviser]
DD1(3): FN starts and ends with the same letter // MN is mother’s FN
DD2(2): FN ends in -linda // MN is grandmother’s FN
DD3(1): FN contains an O but not at the start or end // MN is your choice
DS1(nb): FN starts and ends with the same letter, but not the same letter as DD1(3) // MN is father’s FN
DH(22): FN is Greek // MN is a bird (LN: something found on a building site) [occupation: painter and decorator, maths teacher, cashier, telemarketer, medical secretary]
DS1/DD1(1): FN is popular in the UK // MN is a US founding father & FN was popular in the 80s // MN is related to water