It would be really helpful to have an advanced search option added to the site, and especially to the forums. I frequently search for a name in the forums only to find that the bulk of search results are for name games. I’d like the option of choosing which forum I’m searching within.
There is already such an option for the forums. Click on “Advanced Search”, then “Search single content type” and you can exclude the [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Name Games forum from your search results.
[name_m]Ah[/name_m], thanks! I missed that.
No problem, @pamplemouse! I only knew about it myself because someone made a thread about it before.
I don’t see it in the mobile version of the site - am I missing it there too?
I don’t browse Nameberry on mobile so I’m not sure. Does anyone know?
Thanks, @lumen, for all this info. @pamplemouse, if you press the search icon in the mobile site without typing anything into the search field, the advanced search comes up. OR if you search for a name or phrase and then press the word Search at the top of the results page, advanced search comes up. But how would anybody know that?!?!? I’ll put that on the fix list.
One advantage of the mobile page – forums search and site search are near each other but look distinct, so it’s easier and more obvious how to search for something in the forums and also search for it on the site and vice-versa.