Request to hear from girls with boy names

Hiiii everyone!

I am writing here since we named our daughter [name_u]Asher[/name_u], a name traditionally given to boys and I am looking to hear from adult women who were given either gender neutral or boy names and how they liked it growing up. Or even vice versa, if you’re a man who was given a traditionally girls name, what are your experiences.

Very excited to see what people have to say!

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Hey there! I’m a [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] born before [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] hit the top 20 for girls. When I was born, [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] was slightly more popular for girls than boys, but only by ~.2% points by total births, so it was pretty equal at that point. In my classes in school there were Taylors of both genders. While I did (and still do) get addressed as Mr. on occasion, it’s a really easy correction. I really liked my name growing up and I still do now. It’s familiar, easy to pronounce and spell. [name_f]My[/name_f] parents chose the name as an honor name and paired my first with a gendered family middle (a name in the [name_f]Catherine[/name_f] family of names that begins with a K), which I think helped with the flow although I never went by a double barrel.

As an adult, I’m considering unisex names for my own children. DH and I are interested in having either the first or middle be a unisex name. We feel it gives the child some options as they grow up. Two of our favorite options right now are [name_u]Parker[/name_u] for a girl and [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] for a boy.

Asher is a lovely name for your little girl! I think it helps that it shares the first syllable with the once uber-popular [name_u]Ashley[/name_u].

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Hi! Thank you for writing this! [name_m]Just[/name_m] makes my heart happy. :slightly_smiling_face:
I do personally know a very sassy 5 year old little girl named [name_u]Parker[/name_u] who likes both princesses and scary mummies!

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I’m an [name_u]Avery[/name_u]! I have met more girls than boys named [name_u]Avery[/name_u], but I have met new people who were expecting to meet a boy! It doesn’t bother me, and I love my name.

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Hi [name_u]Avery[/name_u]!

I’ve loved your name [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f]’s [name_m]Web[/name_m] was read to me! I think you definitely lucked out in the name department.

Thank you for sharing. :heart:

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I have [name_u]Parker[/name_u] on my girl list and [name_u]Brooks[/name_u] on my boy’s and girl’s lists for my mom [name_u]Brooke[/name_u]. :heart:


So I have a smoosh name of two originally male names, the latter no longer really in use for boys. The beginning of my name is also my nickname and is 100% a boy name. I hate it. The only reason I haven’t changed it is the enormous pressure of picking a new name. At least i can blame my parents for my bad name. If i chose my own name and later come to dislike it i would bear the sole responsibility of name regret.

Love the name [name_u]Parker[/name_u]!

So, my name is [name_u]Emery[/name_u] (spelling it differently here for privacy) and when I was growing up in the late 90’s-early 2000’s I would not say that my name was common for either gender (at least not until a few years ago) and my middle name is also gender neutral. I didn’t really care for my name growing up even though I have always gotten compliments on it but now I love my name and I couldn’t imagine being anything else.

I’m a woman named L0gan. I hated my name as a kid. There were many times growing up that I wished I’d been named [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] or [name_f]Brittany[/name_f] or any other traditionally feminine name, regardless of popularity. I went by my middle name for a while as a teen. I still don’t particularly love my name, but I’m indifferent to it now. And overall I’m happy now that I wasn’t one of 5 Jessicas in my class.

That being said, I’m almost 30, so I grew up when it wasn’t super commonplace (though not rare) to give girls traditionally masculine names. I would occasionally meet another girl with a masculine or unisex name, but more so names like [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] or [name_u]Jordan[/name_u]. I didn’t meet another woman with the same name as me until well into my 20s. I think kids born within this last decade or so that are given the opposite traditionally gendered name will be more likely to like their name because it’s more unique and it’s a much more common naming practice now. I know lots of girls 10+ years younger than me with names like [name_u]Dylan[/name_u], [name_u]Cody[/name_u], and [name_f]Cori[/name_f] and they seem to like it just fine.