I’ve got a departure from my usual polls. I’m in a bind with my research essay, and it’s due soon, so if you guys can help me that’d be great.
I chose the topic of authoring and joining the publishing field, so which two questions do you think I should focus on?
What are the difficulties of marketing your books to publishers and the public, and what ultimately helps authors stand out?
What are some of the substantial challenges you can face when writing fiction, and how can you circumvent them?
When publishers or readers give you feedback on what they’d like to see changed in your writing, do you change what you add to a book or stay the course?
What prerequisite experience or education can help with becoming a successful writer, and are they actually necessary or helpful in increasing your chances of success?
MFA student here! I’m actually taking a Publishing Creative Writing class this term, so if you need help finding resources to answer some of these questions, PM me and I’d be happy to help.
I think questions 1 and 2 will yield similar results, in that I think the difficulties of marketing books are some of the substantial challenges you can face when writing fiction. Question 3 certainly feels up to you. The publishing industry is, well, an industry, and the feedback given by publishers/agents/the public are given so hopefully your novel is successful in the industry.
Question 4 would definitely be interesting to look at! TL;DR I voted for question 1 and 4
Thanks for the feedback! I did actually manage to find some useful sources, I just need the definite questions to focus my writing. I’m probably going to follow up on your suggestions, so thank you!