Reverie Greenwood or Reverie Todd?

Hey everyone! This may be in the wrong section but I’d really appreciate some help. I’m a budding author and hoping to get published one day, and I’ve finally decided on a pen name I’d like to use - kinda…

My first name will definitely be [name_f]Reverie[/name_f]. [name_f]Reverie[/name_f] means “daydream” which is what I do on a regular basis, and what writing feels like to me; slipping into a daydream that I can then share with the world. Also, to be a published author would be one of my greatest dreams come true and so [name_f]Reverie[/name_f] is very fitting. My problem is choosing my last name.

I think I’m definitely choosing between Greenwood and [name_m]Todd[/name_m]. Both names have a lot of meaning for me. Greenwood was my paternal grandmother’s maiden name, who died when I was very young (4). I love my maternal grandmother dearly - we’ve always been close and even now I live far away from home at uni, I call her regularly just to hear her voice. I have a lifetime of happy memories of her, and it hurts me that I don’t have the same with my paternal grandmother - I don’t even know if the very few, very fuzzy memories I do have of her are actual memories or stories people have told me, and pictures I’ve been shown. I feel that using her maiden name as my last name would be a nice tribute to her.

[name_m]Todd[/name_m] was the last name of my godmother (who I called aunty, and who I felt closer to than ANY of my actual aunts or uncles). I love her dearly, and she was always extremely supportive of me and my dreams. She lived quite far away and my parents and I definitely didn’t get to see her as much as we wanted to. Unfortunately, a few years ago she died of cancer, and my world fell apart. I was inconsolable for months. Now that I’m at university and on that first step of the ladder to the rest of my life, I miss her daily, albeit not as viciously as I used to. If I ever get published, I know she would have been the proudest person I know (apart from of course, or perhaps on equal par to, my parents).

And therein lies my dilemma. I know I want to honour one of these people in the name I choose. But do I pick the grandmother I wish I knew, or the aunt I wish I had more time with? So I decided to choose the one which sounds better with [name_f]Reverie[/name_f]. And that’s where you guys come in! I need your opinions on what sounds better - [name_f]Reverie[/name_f] Greenwood or [name_f]Reverie[/name_f] [name_m]Todd[/name_m].

*[name_m]Just[/name_m] for clarification, this is [name_m]JUST[/name_m] a pen name - the name that will go on my novels in the author space. I am not legally changing my name in “real life” or anything like that

Personally, I think Todd sounds better. Reverie is already three syllables, so a shorter last name flows better. However, since you explained how both names are special to you, have you considered any other options about combining them? Plenty of authors sign their books with initials, so T.G. Reverie could work if you like that. You could also try to pass off one of the names as like a middle initial, for example, Reverie G. Todd.

Best of luck!

Thank you!! That’s a brilliant idea :slight_smile: