Reviews for 3 Names?

Keep in mind I’m half-French, half-American. We live in NYC but any child we have will also travel to [name]France[/name] and Australia (he’s half-Australian).

The 3:


The more thoughts the better! Thanks.

[name]Sabine[/name]–lovelovelove! [name]Sabrina[/name] seems to be so much more popular than [name]Sabina[/name] or [name]Sabine[/name], but I love all three. My favorite by far is [name]Sabina[/name], though. I used it in a short story I wrote last spring for school, but even before that, I loved the name. I love the nns [name]Abby[/name] and [name]Bina[/name], if you’re looking for a nn. I think [name]Sabine[/name] works really well in the US, [name]France[/name], and Australia, although I don’t really understand naming trends for [name]France[/name] and Australia.

[name]Juliette[/name]–sorry, this is just so overrated imo. I don’t understand why everyone loves it! I have liked it in the past as a MN ([name]Leila[/name] [name]Juliette[/name] was on my list), and I much prefer [name]Juliette[/name] to [name]Juliet[/name], but I love [name]Julia[/name] so much more. This is my least favorite. :*(

[name]Anais[/name]–adoreee. I used this in a story once, too. bahaha. If I thought it would be able to catch on where I live (Pennsylvania), I might consider it more seriously. As it is, I’m considering as a potential MN for [name]Rachel[/name]. For a couple of weeks, I did consider it for my [name]Annie[/name] name, but I’m leaning toward [name]Anneliese[/name], nn [name]Annie[/name], instead. Still, it’s a gem of the name, and sooo pretty. I think [name]Sabine[/name] [name]Anais[/name] would be stunning, actually.

Good luck!

I like all 3 names but I really adore [name]Juliette[/name], its just so romantic and I feel the least problematic for fitting in and pronounciation.
[name]Anais[/name] would be my 2nd choice, very lovely but I do think pronounciation will be an issue.
[name]Sabine[/name] is a distant 3rd, still a nice choice but really obscure for an american child in my opinion.
Best of luck!

My favorites in Order:

[name]Anais[/name]: [name]Adore[/name] this name. The sound is so beautiful. It [name]Will[/name] obviously work great in [name]France[/name]. It’s worth correcting Americans pronounciation to use [name]Anais[/name]. [name]IMO[/name].

[name]Sabine[/name]: I like it -not love. It’s pretty and & a unique choice. I think it will work well in all 3 countries.

[name]Juliette[/name]: I’m not a fan at all. Agree with pp about this name being overrated.

You have great taste. I love all three, but I think [name]Sabine[/name] gets my vote. [name]Juliette[/name] is not as fresh to me and I think pronunciation issues could become a headache for [name]Ana[/name]ïs if you’re primarily in the US. I would love to meet a little [name]Sabine[/name]!