rhyming nickname and last name

We love the name [name]Rowan[/name] but I can’t decide if I’m ok with how the nickname “[name]Ro[/name]” rhymes with our last name - Dubeau. [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau sounds like the “row row row your boat” song, but is that a reason not to choose it?? Her name would be [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Grace[/name]… any thoughts?

I does have bit of “row the boat” kind of a feel to it, that being said: [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Grace[/name] Dubeau is lovely. I wouldn’t let the [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau thing stop you if you really love that name.

[name]Rowan[/name] Dubeau isn’t weird, but [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau is pushing it a little. I guess you have to consider how often a nickname would be used with a last name, as usually people are either using a full name or just the nickname, no last name. You could probably get away with it on that basis :slight_smile:

[name]Rowan[/name] [name]Grace[/name] is lovely BTW

You could also use the nickname [name]Win[/name], or [name]Winnie[/name]. [name]Win[/name] Dubeau sounds nice.

I love the name [name]Rowan[/name] so I say go for it!

[name]How[/name] often would [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau be used? [name]Ro[/name] seems like one of those occasional/offhand nns that would only be used informally. Like I love [name]Everett[/name] and I love the offhand nn of Ev, but he wouldn’t really be known as “Ev SURNAME”. When his LN is attached, he would be the full [name]Everett[/name], if that makes sense. I think some nicknames are namey enough that they can be used all the time and be attached to the surname, but others (like [name]Ro[/name], and Ev, and Trav, and such) are more for just informal occasions. If she would be [name]Ro[/name] 100% of the time, I think you could still write her name as [name]Rowan[/name] and have her always write [name]Rowan[/name], just to ensure it doesn’t sound weird. I also like the idea of [name]Winnie[/name] as a nn over [name]Ro[/name] (although I do love [name]Ro[/name]! I had considered [name]Rosalie[/name] nn [name]Ro[/name], too), too, to differentiate from [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau…

Good luck!

I never thought of using [name]Win[/name], or a different variation of nickname other than [name]Ro[/name]. Thanks :slight_smile:

Oh I love [name]Winnie[/name]! Makes me think of long-haired and perfect [name]Winnie[/name] from the Wonder Years. [name]Rowan[/name] has such a beautiful solemnity, and [name]Winnie[/name] is a fun contrast to have as a nn. [name]Rowan[/name] Dubeau is great. [name]Grace[/name] is nms, especially as a middle, but it flows well with the rest of the name, and the meaning (especially the spiritual meaning of [name]Grace[/name]) is lovely.

I agree with this. I think its fine!

I think even if it is used, it’s a great nn! I’d have gotten a kick out of something in that style when I was growing up! :smiley: I’m pretty sure I’d still introduce myself with that. :wink:

I think [name]Rowan[/name] [name]Grace[/name] Dubeau is an absolutely beautiful name. And [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau would be precious on a little feisty gal. I’d probably call her that on purpose…lol.

If you Really don’t like it, I’d just not mention it to Anyone [name]IRL[/name]. I don’t know if people think enough in that direction for many of them to come up with it on their own as far as adult friends and family.

School could be a different situation. Kids Look for and really try to come up with nn’s for some kids. But, even if some school kid would think of it on their own, that’s a Much better nn than they may come up with if they really want to. It would be so easy and get stuck so quickly that it could take the place of something really mean. We had a “Smelly [name]Shelly[/name]” and a “Jelly Belly [name]Shelly[/name]” (she was chubby) they were very hurtful to the girls. My initials were S.T., so I got a few STD’s (that thankfully didn’t stick). Those are the only ones I can think of that incorporate the names of people from my class, but the other ones where they didn’t have something quick and easy to use when they wanted to, those were the worst ones. [name]Ro[/name] Dubeau is a pretty tame and fun nn.

Hm… I don’t think I would if you plan on calling her [name]Ro[/name] because people tend to take the nickname and make it their name when signing. I have three friends named [name]Katie[/name] and they always write [name]Katie[/name] ______ when signing a receipt or putting their name on homework, never [name]Kathrine[/name]… They also say “[name]Hi[/name] I’m [name]Katie[/name] _____” so I can see that be a problem when she’s introducing herself for jobs and things. It would just sound kind of silly, although she might just say [name]Rowan[/name] to avoid that… I think it really depends how prominent the nickname is going to be in her life.

For the most part we would only call her [name]Rowan[/name], and she would know her name as [name]Rowan[/name]. I’m sure that sometimes people may refer to her as [name]Ro[/name], or [name]Win[/name], or maybe a completely unrelated nickname. Or they may call her [name]Ro[/name] in an offhand/informal call to get her attention, like we do with our friend [name]Emily[/name] (we usually call her [name]Emily[/name] but occasionally call her [name]Em[/name]). I’m feeling better about it… I really appreciate everyone’s feedback, it helps! :slight_smile: