I just saw that the name [name]Rio[/name] rose to 160 on the most recent popularity charts for [name]England[/name] and [name]Wales[/name]. I was really surprised. It isn’t even in the top 1000 in the U.S. U.K. Berries, have you encountered many young Rios? Does the name have any sort of connotations or pop culture references attached to it over there?
i had seriously considered [name]Rio[/name] for my son Miró. I had never heard anyone w that name. However in the last year i have met 4 [name]Rio[/name]'s 2 girl and 2 boys all under the age of 4. i thinks its a great name for a boy.
[name]Ah[/name], that explains it! I was wondering if there was some sort of catalyst for the name’s popularity. He must be it. Thanks for the information!
Funny that, I just heard last night that a friend has a new baby nephew who has been called [name]Rio[/name]… have to admit, I did feel the need to start singing!
My name is actually [name]Rio[/name]. I am 26 and was named after the [name]Duran[/name] [name]Duran[/name] song i have never met another [name]Rio[/name] in my life!
I love it.
I have it on my middle list, and as nickname for [name]Henry[/name] a la [name]Charlotte[/name] nn [name]Lottie[/name]. (Take the last syllable and add a vowel sound)