
What are your thoughts on the name [name]Riordan[/name], possibly with nickname [name]Rory[/name]? My husband came up with this one today and I actually think I like it. Would there be too many problems with pronunciation/spelling in the US? Thanks!

Like Rear-don? I dont dislike it but I think you might have pronunciation problems. [name]Rory[/name] is really nice, I knew one in hs, he was very polite, smart and handsome.

Great name! I have seen it spelled [name]Rearden[/name] in order to avoid spelling/pronunciation issues but i much prefer the original [name]Riordan[/name]. [name]Rory[/name] or [name]Danny[/name] would make great nicknames

I really like [name]Riordan[/name].

Good luck!

I briefly had this on my long list, but once I started stewing about it I just couldn’t get over the “rear” sound at the beginning.

Did he by any chance get this from author [name]Rick[/name] [name]Riordan[/name], author of the [name]Percy[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] and the Olympians series?