
What do you think of the name [name]Roger[/name]? Is it usable? Too middle-aged?

I was also curious about the slang association. Does anyone think that makes [name]Roger[/name] unusable? I’m in the southeastern US and hadn’t heard the term “rogering” until a [name]Brit[/name] mentioned it to me recently.

I think this name is OK. Very Mad Men but kinda old manish.

Names with this sort of feel are -->
[name]Walter[/name] “[name]Walt[/name]”
“[name]Hank[/name]” [name]Henry[/name]
“[name]Harry[/name]” [name]Harold[/name] (I prefer [name]Harrison[/name])

Anyways you get the idea. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Hank[/name], but I’m sure lots of others don’t like it at all. If you love [name]Roger[/name] then just go for it because it certainly isn’t awful.

Not a fan, sorry. Like pp suggestions.

Probably should have mentioned this before, but I’m not considering this name. I just wanted to see what the berries thought of it.

I like [name]Roger[/name]. I think it has a cool mid-century feel.

My only hesitation would be that there is a star wars cartoon where the dumb droids say [name]Roger[/name] [name]Roger[/name] all the time and that might be what kids think of. I can’t imagine how it could be turned into teasing but I dont even know that kids would even realize [name]Roger[/name] is a name because it’s so underused right now.

Fwiw I have no idea what rogering means. I’m from the northeast

[name]Roger[/name] is a guilty pleasure of mine. For some reason, I always think of [name]Roger[/name] and [name]Anita[/name] from 101 Dalmatians.

[name]Love[/name], love, love it. It’s in my top 3 boys names (with [name]Thomas[/name] nn [name]Tom[/name] and [name]George[/name]). I love the midcentury feel, the long history, the WWII ‘roger’ connotation, and the Jolly [name]Roger[/name] pirate theme. [name]How[/name] freaking adorable would a chubby 2 yr old [name]Roger[/name] be?

Now. Stop posting about it so no one else discovers my secret!!! :wink:

I also wanted to voice my love for the name [name]Roger[/name]!

It is my younger brothers name and he was named after my great-uncle.

He goes by the nickname [name]Rog[/name] and is also called Rogie and [name]Roger[/name] Dodger by his loving sisters… hehe.

It was a very rare name for his age group (he’s now 24) and I have only met one other [name]Roger[/name] since. The only trouble he has ever had was people misspelling the name [name]Rodger[/name].

I love that it is a solid, short, wearable name that is easily recognized, pronounced and spelled but seldom used.