My maiden name is [name_m]Rowland[/name_m]. For as long as I remember I’ve wanted to use it as a first or middle name for a little boy. My husband’s last name is [name_m]Rhodes[/name_m], so I’m not sure if it works anymore. [name_m]Rowland[/name_m] [name_m]Rhodes[/name_m]. Is it silly? [name_f]Do[/name_f] they sound too much alike? Or is there just a ring to it? And for those of you that think this name sounds okay, what middle name would sound nice? Thank you!
I think it works fine as a middle name, but it’s a bit of a tongue-twister as a first name.
I thibk [name_m]Rowland[/name_m] would work great as a middle
I love when moms can use their maiden name giving their child such meaning in their name. In your case, because of the flow with [name_m]Rhodes[/name_m], I would use it in the middle spot.
Definitely still usable in the middle spot but a bit too much as a first name.
I agree with pp, it’s a bit of a tongue twister as a first name, but I think it would be cool as a middle!