RSS feed?

[name]Hi[/name], I’d love to keep up with your blog, but I can’t find an RSS feed. Could you add one?

[name]How[/name] sad is it that I wish I were having another baby just so I could name it?? I’m thrilled to have found your site (which I found through Amazon, looking up the Cool Names book to send to a friend).


  • e, momma to [name]Ronan[/name] and [name]Beatrix[/name]

[name]Love[/name] your name choices! And yes, we’re about to add an RSS feed, and the daily delivery should be functioning soon too. Thanks!

Great – I’ll be on the lookout for it. And of course I’m thrilled you like my names!

  • e

p.s. I’d love to see a blog post about sibling name matching. This is something my friends and I discuss a lot – there’s my [name]SIL[/name], who has two girls with the same initials (AJK --it makes me crazy!) to others whose kids seem to be from different families they’re so stylistically different. But does it matter? Once we grow up, we generally go our separate ways…

Great idea. Watch for it soon!

Our blog’s rss feed is at
