WDYT of [name]Runa[/name_f]? I’ve recently seen [name]Rune[/name_f] and I quite like it, but the others I’m consulting think that it’s a rather masculine-sounding or too closely resembles the word ‘ruin.’ So, I’d like to know a few other people’s thoughts on it.
I like it! It has a nice sound and feels adventurous and outgoing! It makes me think of ancient tunes and it doesn’t seem masculine to me at all.
I looove the name [name_f]Runa[/name_f].
I don’t think it to be masculine at all, even the nn [name_u]Rue[/name_u] is adorable and feminine in my opinion
I think [name_f]Runa[/name_f] is really cool and adventurous.
Runa is actually the word for “rune” (as in the letters that Vikings used) in Swedish. I think it’s a nice name!
I think it’s lovely! It doesn’t sound masculine to me. It reminds me of [name_f]Luna[/name_f] but seems more unconventional. I really like the connection to runes.
Runa has an intriguing and adventurous sound. I like it
I think it’s pretty, cool and strong. I know a little [name_f]Runa[/name_f] (4yo) and it’s a really fresh and appealing name IRL too.
My only hesitation with it is that the very similar [name_f]Luna[/name_f] is much more popular/familiar (and still trending steeply upwards) and I think there’s potential for the two to be confused.
Never seen it before, but I like it!
I love it!
I love [name_f]Runa[/name_f]!
Runa is great! It’s grown on me, as has [name_f]Bruna[/name_f] which gives me similar vibes. They’re both strong and spunky.
Maybe I have heard the word [name_f]Corona[/name_f] (obviously from Coronavirus we hear about nonstop) shortened to “rona” far too much that [name_f]Runa[/name_f] is too close for me.
I love [name_f]Runa[/name_f]!
I was so obsessed with it a few months ago, and I still absolutely adore it. I also really like [name_u]Rune[/name_u]. I don’t think it’s too masculine, although it isn’t the most frilly or feminine name I’ve come across. This doesn’t bother me at all though, and I find [name_f]Runa[/name_f] such a fresh, sleek, and intriguing name.
I’ve never heard of [name_f]Runa[/name_f] before but it’s interesting and I like it.
Runa’s nice! I haven’t heard it before but it has an appealing sound, and it sounds more feminine than [name_u]Rune[/name_u].