
Ok, so my hubby and I were talking about this name, since we [name]LOVE[/name], [name]LOVE[/name] the meaning (we got engaged in the spring time with many cherry blossoms), but neither one of us are Japanese! He is Native American/[name]German[/name] and I am Norwegian. Our last name is [name]German[/name] sounding. [name]Do[/name] you think [name]Sakura[/name] would be confusing for a kid? Does anyone else know another name that means “[name]Cherry[/name] [name]Blossom[/name]”? Thanks!

I love Japanese names! I love the meaning of [name]Sakura[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you love the way this name sounds as much as you love the meaning? Sometimes I love a name for it’s meaning and for a short time I convince myself I love it’s sound as well.

[name]Just[/name] so you know [name]Cerise[/name] means “cherry” .
I also found Kersen to mean “cherry” as well. It came back as a boys name (found on another site) but I think it has potential to be used as a girls name.
If you added a middle name that meant blossom you could get the meaning your after.
Such as [name]Cerise[/name] [name]Hana[/name] [name]Hana[/name] is a Japanese name meaning “blossom”.

[name]Sakura[/name] is pretty cool. It does sound like sack though. But a lot of syllables of names sound like English words. [name]Ura[/name] does sound a bit like “You’re a” or even the beginning of urine. But I don’t think [name]Sakura[/name] would get a lot of teasing. What do the other Nameberryites think.

[name]Cerise[/name] is really pretty, too. It’s not a good idea to name a daughter [name]Cherry[/name]. Too bad, it’s very cute. Maybe some day it will be back in vogue.

Sakari is a Scandinavian boy’s name and sounds so much like [name]Sakura[/name]. I don’t see Sakari on Nameberry. I wonder what it means, and if there is a feminine version of Sakari.
Later - I looked up Sakari on “Behind the Name”. It’s Scandinavian for [name]Zechariah[/name]. So cute.

It’s nice to see someone considering a Japanese name not just because they like the sound of it or because they’re an anime fan. You’re not doing it because it’s cool. In your case, I can’t say you shouldn’t do it.

I do want to see [name]Asian[/name] names “legitimized” for white Anglophones. As Japanese names go, [name]Sakura[/name] is actually a restrained choice. I believe it’s quite common in its home country (understandable - think how much the Japanese love their cherry blossoms!), and it’s one Japanese word an English speaker might know the meaning of.

[name]Sakura[/name] is a beautiful name! :smiley: I’m not one who believes you should necessarily have to restrict yourself to names that are in line with your biological or cultural heritage. It’s a new era, and bestowing a foreign name on your baby, I think, can be a great way to open their minds up about other cultures. I just looove [name]Sakura[/name]! It brings to mind sweetness and light, but also has some strength and poetry to it, what with the cherry blossom’s association with beauty, brevity, and perseverence. :slight_smile:

The only thing I would be worried about is how non-Japanese-speakers are going to want to instinctively pronounce it “Sack-urr-uhh” instead of “SAH-kula/kura”…