See the results of this poll: SASKIA, MILLA AND ??? PLEASE VOTE

Respondents: 37 (This poll is closed)

  • Jemima Eve nn Jemma: 7 (19%)
  • Gisele Fleur nn Gigi: 6 (16%)
  • Gisela Eve nn Gigi: 4 (11%)
  • Talullah Skye nn Tully: 1 (3%)
  • Indigo Skye nn Indi: 2 (5%)
  • Aurora Skye nn Rory: 2 (5%)
  • Aurelia Skye nn Elia or Elly?: 5 (14%)
  • Anoushka Eve nn Noushka: 6 (16%)
  • Ramona nn Romy: 3 (8%)
  • Loletta Skye nn Lola: 1 (3%)

I voted [name]Gisela[/name] [name]Eve[/name], but I think [name]Gisela[/name] [name]Fleur[/name] has better flow.
I also love [name]Anoushka[/name], nn Noushie, and [name]Ramona[/name] nn [name]Mona[/name]

[name]Hi[/name] bancios. Great [name]Poll[/name]! I voted for [name]Anoushka[/name] of course, [name]Saskia[/name], [name]Milla[/name] and [name]Anoushka[/name] = SWOON! but my biased personal opinion is that I think you COULD get away with [name]Anoushka[/name] [name]Skye[/name]. I also [name]ADORE[/name] [name]Tallulah[/name] and/or [name]Indigo[/name] [name]Skye[/name]! I hope the [name]Poll[/name] helps!!! Good [name]Luck[/name] and go with your heart, fellow [name]Berry[/name]! ("J)

Totally agree with hazelet that [name]Anoushka[/name] [name]Eve[/name] sounds perfect with your [name]Saskia[/name] amd [name]Milla[/name]! I think that [name]Jemima[/name] feels really different in style to your other girls names. Good [name]Luck[/name].

Also [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Anoushka[/name] with her sibling’s names.
Hugely fitting! All gorgeous names though. (With the exception of [name]Gisele[/name] which I am not a fan of. It reminds me of all the [name]Danielle[/name], [name]Estelle[/name], [name]Marielle[/name] names. They all seem non-special to me)

I personally adore [name]Gisela[/name] and think it complements [name]Saskia[/name] and [name]Milla[/name] amazingly well. it’s perfect x