Saw these names today...

A family member of a friend from FB has these 2 names for her sons and I was wondering what do you think…

Vaden and Zaide

I’ve never seen Vaden before. It reminds me of the [name]Aiden[/name]/[name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Brayden[/name]/[name]Cadan[/name]/[name]Zayden[/name] names.

I like Zaide. This is another that I haven’t seen before, but the sounds of it appeals to me.

I think the names go together well for siblings.

I was wondering about Zaide - is that Za”de?

([name]Zade[/name] or Za-eed?)

[name]Both[/name] sound/look made up, but they aren’t horrible. I don’t like Vaden because it does remind me of all the “-aden” names. [name]Zade[/name] is alright; nothing I would ever use myself, though.

I agree, they sound made up. Vaden: really, really don’t like it because of the -aden root plus it makes me think Darth Vader.

I’m not a fan of Vaden at all. It (to me) doesn’t have a very pleasant sound. [name]How[/name] do you pronounce Zaide?