Schnoodle names??

What are some good names for a Schnoodle, male or female? (a schnoodle, obviously, is a schnauzer-poodle mix, looking something like this: Schnoodle | Great Pet Care

I would like the names to be quite unique, and anything from mythology (especially Celtic) or Tolkein-esque would be fantastic!

[name]Nephele[/name] posted a ton of Tolkein elf names on one of her anagram things:

If you still need a name anyway :slight_smile: We breed labradoodles ourselves

I have a white Schnoodle named [name]Merlin[/name]! He’s adorable and when I get him groomed he has fluffy white eyebrows and a white beard, so I think his name is quite fitting. :slight_smile:

[name]Gandolf[/name]. [name]Bridget[/name]. [name]Morgan[/name].

We just got a schnoodle a few months ago she was born [name_u]November[/name_u] 1st 2014 and her name is grizzlie bear and she’s so smart and we love her to death and we also got a shichi ( miniature chihuahua shitzu-miniture) also born [name_u]November[/name_u] 1st 2015 and they are best friends both so smart getting another schnoodle in a couple weeks just born can’t wait amazingly smart, beautiful loving girls.