SciFi BNG w/ dice Round 2

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] to round 2 of my SciFi BNG!
Round 1: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for what has happened since then:

1 - A short romantic relationship of two passengers of your choice. They’re not together any more, but had a kid who’s now 2. (If there’s no room for the kid, re-roll)
2,3 - A still-ongoing relationship (you choose who), but with no offspring.
4 - The oldest member of your crew (excluding you, of course!) died. [name_m]How[/name_m]?
5,6 - The crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers now.

If you still have the freezer and no passengers younger than 10, start a pregnancy now.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is (equivalent to earth’s in…)
1 - stone age
2 - middle ages
3 - 19th century
4 - now
5 - near-ish future
6 - far future

and they are
1,2 - scared of you
3,4 - friendly
5,6 - agressive.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

  • If they’re agressive and more advanced than you, you flee.

  • If they’re agressive and less advanced or scared, you send two crew members to negotiate. You decide who.
    1,2 - You’re not successfull. Your ship stays in orbit for a few more days but eventually you decide to continue your search.
    3-6 - You can convince them of your friendly intentions and are allowed to land your spaceship and live with them for some time to get to know them better.

  • If they’re friendly, you land your spaceship on their planet and quickly make friends with them.

One year passes.

  • If you’re still with the aliens, you’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for their age and sex (see below). Relationships are up to you.

even - female
odd - male

1 - newborn
2 - child
3 - teenager
4 - young adult
5 - middle aged
6 - old

What does their life look like?

  • If you left, you’ve found (a) stowaway passenger(s) on your ship who sneaked in from the alien planet:
    1 - a pregnant teenaged female who has since given birth
    2 - two children, a boy and a girl
    3 - a newborn boy, appearently abandoned at birth
    4 - a young married couple
    5 - a teenaged boy and his younger sister
    6 - a little girl

They beg you to let them stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; they say they’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to make up a background story for them!

For all natural pregnancies, roll once for sex and twice for number of babies:
even - female
odd - male

2-11 - single birth
12 - twins

Artificial pregnancies are single births, sex of your choice.

Name all new humans (or an alien baby abandoned at birth) using this key:
1 - female: end with -lynn or -ly // male: name of someone you like
2 - one syllable
3 - Random Name Generator - Behind the Name , check Danish, Norwegian and Swedish
4 - female: Annelora / [name_f]Stefanie[/name_f] / [name_f]Laureen[/name_f] / [name_f]Anneliese[/name_f] / [name_f]Edith[/name_f] / [name_f]Vivianna[/name_f] / [name_f]Nicole[/name_f] / [name_f]Freya[/name_f] / [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] / [name_f]Allegra[/name_f] / [name_f]Mia[/name_f] / [name_f]Doreen[/name_f] // male: starts with G
5 - from Hilfe | Vornamerei - Finde Vornamen und ihre Bedeutung
6 - from Top names of the 1880s

The aliens’ names aren’t pronouncable by humans, so you call them by what their names translate to. Which is…
1 - a colour
2 - a positive attribute
3 - an animal
4 - any wordname common on earth
5 - anything starting with a W
6 - a gemstone or mineral

Now for the end of round 2, list everyone’s names, ages, and relationships.

There will be another round soon!

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It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.
Since then, we managed to increase the ship’s capacity so we can now have 20 passengers.
[name_m]Albrecht[/name_m] started training [name_f]Zilla[/name_f] to be an engineer like him.

The ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time we meet aliens! They’re about 5 feet tall, have blue skin, 2 thumbs on each hand and call themselves the Roxki. We learn that their civilization is equivalent to earth’s in the early 21st century. They’re very friendly and welcome us on their home planet.

We spend one year with the Roxki and become friends with 5 of them:
A middle aged couple, [name_u]Sky[/name_u] (m) and [name_u]Ruby[/name_u], and their 3 daughters, teenaged [name_m]Gold[/name_m] and [name_f]Wisdom[/name_f] and the younger [name_u]Winter[/name_u].

The ship’s crew now:

[name_m]Albrecht[/name_m], 46
[name_u]Carter[/name_u] (m), 31
[name_f]Nephele[/name_f], 31, mother of:

  • [name_f]Zilla[/name_f], 13
  • [name_u]Luca[/name_u], 10
  • [name_m]Zack[/name_m], 6
  • [name_m]Ilias[/name_m], 5
  • [name_f]Pia[/name_f], 5
    [name_m]Samir[/name_m], 24
    me, [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], 24, mother of:
  • [name_u]Merle[/name_u], 6
  • [name_m]Anthony[/name_m], 5
  • [name_f]Tamsin[/name_f], 5
    [name_m]Henri[/name_m], 22

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

A short romantic relationship happens between [name_u]Harper[/name_u] and myself, [name_u]Zola[/name_u]. We’re not together any more, but have [name_f]Inaya[/name_f] who’s now 2.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time you meet aliens! They look quite similar to humans, but they are extremely short and round. They’re ears grow on top of their heads, and they’re legs are springy, so they spring around everywhere instead of walking. They call themselves they Anduins. You learn that their civilization is far future. Much more advanced then anything on [name_f]Earth[/name_f] and they are quite agressive.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

  • If they’re agressive and more advanced than you, you flee.

  • If you left, you’ve found stowaway passenger on your ship who sneaked in from the alien planet: a little girl, her unpronounceable name translated to English is, [name_f]Topaz[/name_f].

She begs you to let her stay and you welcome her on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; she says she’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home. She has no parents back at home, and that left her wandering alone, as no one would take her in. She thought her only chance to make it was here with us.

Now for the end of round 2, list everyone’s names, ages, and relationships.

[name_u]Harper[/name_u], 35 (male)
[name_f]Danae[/name_f], 26

  • [name_u]Jean[/name_u] [name_m]Paul[/name_m], 9
  • [name_f]Pallas[/name_f] & Perseis, 4
    [name_u]Zola[/name_u], 25
  • [name_m]Hansel[/name_m] & [name_u]Makis[/name_u], 4
  • [name_f]Inaya[/name_f], 2
    [name_u]Nuriel[/name_u], 23
  • Zephan & [name_u]Zen[/name_u], 4 (B/G)
    [name_f]Pari[/name_f], 23
  • Eteri & Joash, 4
    [name_m]Albrecht[/name_m], 21
    [name_m]Tanwyn[/name_m], 21
    [name_u]Robin[/name_u], 17 (male)
    Estia, 12
    [name_f]Topaz[/name_f], approximately 6 years old

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

A short romantic relationship between [name_f]Gracie[/name_f] and Mishal. They’re not together any more but had a kid, [name_u]Kit[/name_u], who’s now 2.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! The Vikai are tall and slender with quasi-human qualities with the exception of their translucent skin. You learn that their civilization is equivalent to earth’s in the Middle Ages and they are aggressive.

You send a message to earth saying you were successful on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. [name_f]Tamsin[/name_f] sends Mishal and [name_m]Christos[/name_m] to negotiate. You can convince them of your friendly intentions and are allowed to land your spaceship and live with them for some time to get to know them better.

One year passes. And you’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular. A middle aged alien named , [name_u]Onyx[/name_u], his teens Wise and Merit, and children [name_f]Willow[/name_f] (f) and [name_m]Wolf[/name_m].

Passengers on board:
[name_f]Tamsin[/name_f], F, 31
[name_f]Phaedra[/name_f], F, 30

  • [name_m]Zero[/name_m], F, 6
  • [name_f]Ioanna[/name_f], F, 6
    [name_f]Gracie[/name_f], F, 27
  • [name_u]Kit[/name_u], M, 2
    Mishal, M, 24
    [name_m]Christos[/name_m], M, 22
    [name_u]Lou[/name_u], M, 18
    [name_f]Jessamine[/name_f], F, 18
    [name_f]Zsa[/name_f] [name_f]Zsa[/name_f], F, 13
    [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], F, 13

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

The crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers now.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time you meet aliens! They are called the Naranari and they are humanoid with the exception of their cat like teeth. You learn that their civilisation is equivalent to earth’s in the near-ish future and they are scared of you.

You send a message to earth saying you were successful on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. [name_f]Georgina[/name_f] and [name_m]Zachariah[/name_m] are sent to convince them of our friendliness. You’re not successful. Your ship stays in orbit for a few more days but eventually you decide to continue your search.

One year passes. If you left, you’ve found a stowaway passenger on your ship who sneaked in from the alien planet; a little girl. He unpronounceable name translated to English is, [name_f]Wanda[/name_f].

They beg you to let them stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; they say they’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home. She says that her she is one of 9 children and her parents were struggling to care for many. She left in the hopes her family might be able to do better without her.

The ship’s crew now:
[name_m]Louis[/name_m], 35
[name_m]Titus[/name_m], 35
[name_f]Maude[/name_f], 28

  • [name_u]Luca[/name_u], 5
    [name_m]Zachariah[/name_m], 26
    [name_f]Georgina[/name_f], 23
    [name_f]Posey[/name_f], 21
    Zoelee, 21
    [name_f]Prudence[/name_f], 21
    [name_u]James[/name_u], 16
    [name_f]Patricia[/name_f], 12
    [name_m]Zebedee[/name_m], 9
    [name_f]Pauline[/name_f], 5
    [name_f]Wanda[/name_f], approx. 5

Passengers 5 years later:

[name_f]Nova[/name_f] [27]
[name_m]Ilias[/name_m] [27]
[name_f]Thalia[/name_f] [46]
[name_f]Rhiannon[/name_f] [36]
[name_m]Samir[/name_m] [10]
[name_f]Zarya[/name_f] [63]
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] [13]
[name_f]Zadie[/name_f] [22]
[name_m]Johnny[/name_m] [36]
[name_m]Alexandros[/name_m] ([name_m]Al[/name_m]) [27]
[name_m]Fintan[/name_m] ([name_m]Fin[/name_m]) [5]

There is an ongoing relationship between [name_f]Nova[/name_f] & [name_m]Ilias[/name_m], but with no offspring.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is stone age and they are aggressive.

You send a message to earth saying you were successful on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

You send two crew members to negotiate: [name_m]Johnny[/name_m] & [name_m]Al[/name_m]. They’re not successful.Your ship stays in orbit for a few more days but eventually you decide to continue your search.

One year passes.

[name_f]Nova[/name_f] [28] & [name_m]Ilias[/name_m] [28]
[name_f]Thalia[/name_f] [47]
[name_f]Rhiannon[/name_f] [37] & [name_m]Johnny[/name_m] [37] - [name_m]Fintan[/name_m] ([name_m]Fin[/name_m]) [6]
[name_m]Samir[/name_m] [11]
[name_f]Zarya[/name_f] [64]
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] [14]
[name_f]Zadie[/name_f] [23]
[name_m]Alexandros[/name_m] ([name_m]Al[/name_m]) [28]

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

[name_f]Helena[/name_f] (46)
[name_m]Zane[/name_m] (36)
[name_u]Luca[/name_u] (31)
[name_f]Lexa[/name_f] (28)
[name_f]Polly[/name_f] (27)
[name_m]Adrain[/name_m] (18)
[name_f]Herta[/name_f] (18)
[name_m]Henri[/name_m] (10)
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] (5) (Mum is [name_f]Lexa[/name_f])
[name_m]Jamy[/name_m] (5) (Mum is [name_f]Polly[/name_f])

A still-ongoing relationship between [name_f]Lexa[/name_f] and [name_u]Luca[/name_u], but with no offspring.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time you meet aliens! They look a lot like humans but their skin is quite transparent and they have elf like ears. They call themselves Qunzari. You learn that their civilization is 19th century. They are friendly.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.
You land your spaceship on their planet and quickly make friends with them.

One year passes.

[name_f]Helena[/name_f] (47)
[name_m]Zane[/name_m] (37)
[name_u]Luca[/name_u] (32)
[name_f]Lexa[/name_f] (29)
[name_f]Polly[/name_f] (28)
[name_m]Adrain[/name_m] (19)
[name_f]Herta[/name_f] (19)
[name_m]Henri[/name_m] (11)
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] (6) (Mum is [name_f]Lexa[/name_f])
[name_m]Jamy[/name_m] (6) (Mum is [name_f]Polly[/name_f])

We become good friends of a Qunzari family of 5. [name_f]Opal[/name_f] is married to [name_u]Winslow[/name_u] and they have 3 children. A young adult son called [name_f]Happy[/name_f], a teenage son called [name_m]Wolf[/name_m] and a teenage daughter called [name_f]Winnie[/name_f].

[name_f]Helena[/name_f] (47)
[name_m]Zane[/name_m] (37)
[name_u]Luca[/name_u] (32)
[name_f]Lexa[/name_f] (29)
[name_f]Polly[/name_f] (28)
[name_m]Adrain[/name_m] (19)
[name_f]Herta[/name_f] (19)
[name_m]Henri[/name_m] (11)
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] (6) (Mum is [name_f]Lexa[/name_f])
[name_m]Jamy[/name_m] (6) (Mum is [name_f]Polly[/name_f])

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.
You (25): [name_f]Peony[/name_f] Carper [name_f]Janes[/name_f] (f)
[name_f]Sister[/name_f]: (31) [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] [name_f]Zella[/name_f] Ueda-[name_f]Janes[/name_f] (f)

    • DD/DS (6): [name_f]Maren[/name_f] [name_f]Pele[/name_f] and [name_m]Theodor[/name_m] [name_m]Nikos[/name_m] Ueda-[name_f]Janes[/name_f]
      [name_f]Sister[/name_f]-in-law: (31) [name_f]Kairi[/name_f] [name_f]Plum[/name_f] Ueda-[name_f]Janes[/name_f] (f)
      (27) [name_f]Danae[/name_f] [name_f]Tamsin[/name_f] [name_m]Freedman[/name_m] (f)
      (22) [name_m]Bardo[/name_m] [name_u]Kye[/name_u] [name_m]Jansen[/name_m] (m)
      (24) [name_m]Ilias[/name_m] [name_m]Helmut[/name_m] [name_m]Jansen[/name_m] (m)
      (46) [name_m]Nasim[/name_m] Platon Anand (m)
      (27) [name_m]Haco[/name_m] [name_m]Mikhail[/name_m] Petrov (m)
      (46) [name_m]Louis[/name_m] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] Parkington (m)
      (46) [name_f]Thalia[/name_f] [name_f]Eleni[/name_f] Parkington (f)
      (46) [name_f]Millie[/name_f] [name_f]Dhara[/name_f] [name_m]Vaughn[/name_m] (f)
      (10) [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] [name_f]Cerys[/name_f] [name_m]Vaughn[/name_m] (f)

A short romantic relationship of [name_f]Danae[/name_f] and [name_m]Haco[/name_m]. They’re not together any more, but had a kid who’s now two, a daughter named [name_f]Lula[/name_f] Muin Petrov.
Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time you meet aliens! They look like bug plants with eyes and are called the Kiparti. You learn that their civilization is in the near-ish future and they are scared of you. You send a message to earth saying you were successful on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. If they’re aggressive and less advanced or scared, you send two crew members to negotiate - [name_m]Nasim[/name_m] and [name_f]Thalia[/name_f]. You’re not successful. Your ship stays in orbit for a few more days but eventually you decide to continue your search.

One year passes. You’ve found a stowaway passenger on your ship who was sneaked in from the alien planet - a newborn boy, apparently abandoned at birth. [name_m]Louis[/name_m] and [name_f]Thalia[/name_f] beg the rest of crew to let him stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers. They name him [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] [name_u]Avery[/name_u] Parkington.

You (25): [name_f]Peony[/name_f] Carper [name_f]Janes[/name_f] (f)
[name_f]Sister[/name_f]: (31) [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] [name_f]Zella[/name_f] Ueda-[name_f]Janes[/name_f] (f) - m. to [name_f]Kairi[/name_f]
[name_f]Sister[/name_f]-in-law: (31) [name_f]Kairi[/name_f] [name_f]Plum[/name_f] Ueda-[name_f]Janes[/name_f] (f) - m. to [name_f]Hermione[/name_f]

    • DD/DS (6): [name_f]Maren[/name_f] [name_f]Pele[/name_f] and [name_m]Theodor[/name_m] [name_m]Nikos[/name_m] Ueda-[name_f]Janes[/name_f] - born to [name_f]Hermione[/name_f]
      (27) [name_f]Danae[/name_f] [name_f]Tamsin[/name_f] [name_m]Freedman[/name_m] (f) - short term w/ [name_m]Haco[/name_m]
      (27) [name_m]Haco[/name_m] [name_m]Mikhail[/name_m] Petrov (m) - short term w/ [name_f]Danae[/name_f]
    • DD (3): [name_f]Lula[/name_f] Muin Petrov
      (22) [name_m]Bardo[/name_m] [name_u]Kye[/name_u] [name_m]Jansen[/name_m] (m) - brothers w/ [name_m]Ilias[/name_m]
      (24) [name_m]Ilias[/name_m] [name_m]Helmut[/name_m] [name_m]Jansen[/name_m] (m) - brothers w/ [name_m]Bardo[/name_m]
      (46) [name_m]Nasim[/name_m] Platon Anand (m)
      (46) [name_m]Louis[/name_m] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] Parkington (m) - m. to [name_f]Thalia[/name_f]
      (46) [name_f]Thalia[/name_f] [name_f]Eleni[/name_f] Parkington (f) - m. to [name_m]Louis[/name_m]
    • AAS (1): [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] [name_u]Avery[/name_u] Parkington
      (46) [name_f]Millie[/name_f] [name_f]Dhara[/name_f] [name_m]Vaughn[/name_m] (f)
      (10) [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] [name_f]Cerys[/name_f] [name_m]Vaughn[/name_m] (f) - daughter of [name_f]Millie[/name_f]

[name_u]Theo[/name_u] & [name_u]Brooke[/name_u] are in a relationship, with no offspring,

Our ship enters a new solar system with a planet containing intelligent life. The aliens are just over 4 feet tall, have grey skin and extremely large eyes. They are known as the greys and are a friendly species. Their civilisation is equivalent to earth’s in the 19th century.

We land our spaceship on their planet and make friends with a family of 5:
DGM: [name_f]Sapphire[/name_f] (old)
~ DD: [name_u]Raven[/name_u] (middle aged)
~ DH: [name_u]Wade[/name_u] (middle aged)
~ ~ DD: [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] (teenager)
~ ~ DD: [name_f]Grace[/name_f] (newborn)

CURRENT [name_m]CREW[/name_m]
[name_f]Bryony[/name_f] [name_f]Jemima[/name_f] (61)
~ [name_u]Harper[/name_u] [name_u]Riley[/name_u] (34)
~ ~ [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_u]James[/name_u] (16)
~ ~ [name_u]Robin[/name_u] [name_u]Presley[/name_u] (11)
~ ~ [name_u]Mica[/name_u] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] (8)
~ ~ [name_m]Henri[/name_m] [name_m]Adam[/name_m] (4)

~ [name_m]Theodor[/name_m] [name_m]Louis[/name_m] “[name_u]Theo[/name_u]” (34) & [name_u]Brooklyn[/name_u] [name_f]Tallulah[/name_f] “[name_u]Brooke[/name_u]” (29)
~ ~ [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] “[name_f]Bea[/name_f]” (4) [[name_u]Brooke[/name_u]’s daughter]

[name_m]Zachary[/name_m] [name_m]Zane[/name_m] “[name_m]Zach[/name_m]” (29)
[name_f]Kassandra[/name_f] [name_f]Danae[/name_f] “[name_u]Kass[/name_u]” (26)
[name_f]Philippa[/name_f] [name_f]Paige[/name_f] “[name_f]Pippa[/name_f]” (22)

[name_f]Ivy[/name_f], 29
Pyra, 17
[name_m]John[/name_m], 26
[name_m]Ilias[/name_m], 26
[name_u]Harper[/name_u], 21
[name_f]Ariadne[/name_f], 23
[name_f]Zoe[/name_f], 30
[name_u]Quinn[/name_u], 17
[name_u]Asa[/name_u], 5
[name_f]Evie[/name_f], 5

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1. Though no more children have been born, [name_m]John[/name_m] and [name_f]Ariadne[/name_f] have been in an ongoing relationship.

The ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time the passengers meet aliens! These humanoid embers, as the ship calls them, have a society equivalent to the late 21st century and they are aggressive towards the ship’s passengers.

The crew sends a message to [name_f]Earth[/name_f] saying they were successful in their search for alien life and gather on the ship to discuss what to do next. They finally decide to flee, sensing the hostility of the creatures. But [name_f]Ivy[/name_f] finds a young ember couple stowed away on the ship after it has already departed. They beg her to let them stay, and she welcomes them onto the ship.

The young women, both aged approximately twenty-four as humans would experience age, explain that they are liberals who have rebelled against the limiting fascist government and would have been killed if they had stayed. The aliens’ names aren’t pronounceable by humans, so the crew members call them by what their names translate to: [name_f]Violet[/name_f] and [name_f]Mercy[/name_f]. One year passes.

[name_f]Ivy[/name_f], 29
Pyra, 17
[name_m]John[/name_m], 26
[name_m]Ilias[/name_m], 26
[name_u]Harper[/name_u], 21
[name_f]Ariadne[/name_f], 23
[name_f]Zoe[/name_f], 30
[name_u]Quinn[/name_u], 17
[name_u]Asa[/name_u], 5
[name_f]Evie[/name_f], 5
[name_f]Violet[/name_f], 24
[name_f]Mercy[/name_f], 24

(Last round)

[name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_u]Nike[/name_u] (newborn)
[name_m]Alexandros[/name_m] [name_u]Carter[/name_u] (5)
[name_u]Robin[/name_u] [name_f]Zadie[/name_f] (8)
[name_f]Aria[/name_f] [name_f]Spring[/name_f] (13)
[name_m]Zayn[/name_m] [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] (17)
[name_m]Zachary[/name_m] [name_m]Mikel[/name_m] (17)
[name_u]Paisley[/name_u] [name_u]Wren[/name_u] (19)
[name_f]Adalyn[/name_f] [name_f]Claire[/name_f] (22)
[name_m]Zeus[/name_m] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] (22)
[name_f]Zoey[/name_f] [name_f]Annabel[/name_f] (26)
[name_f]Penelope[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] (41)

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for what has happened since then:

1 - A short romantic relationship of two passengers of your choice. They’re not together any more, but had a kid who’s now 2.
[name_u]Paisley[/name_u] [name_u]Wren[/name_u] and [name_m]Zachary[/name_m] [name_m]Mikel[/name_m]

[name_f]Milla[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f]

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is (equivalent to earth’s in…)

2 - middle ages

and they are
1,2 - scared of you

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

  • If they’re agressive and less advanced or scared, you send two crew members to negotiate. You decide who.

[name_m]Zayn[/name_m] [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] and [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] [name_f]Annabel[/name_f]

1,2 - You’re not successfull. Your ship stays in orbit for a few more days but eventually you decide to continue your search.

One year passes.

Now for the end of round 2, list everyone’s names, ages, and relationships.

[name_f]Milla[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f] (3)
[name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_u]Nike[/name_u] (6)
[name_m]Alexandros[/name_m] [name_u]Carter[/name_u] (11)
[name_u]Robin[/name_u] [name_f]Zadie[/name_f] (14)
[name_f]Aria[/name_f] [name_f]Spring[/name_f] (19)
[name_m]Zayn[/name_m] [name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] (23)
[name_m]Zachary[/name_m] [name_m]Mikel[/name_m] (23)
[name_u]Paisley[/name_u] [name_u]Wren[/name_u] (25)
[name_f]Adalyn[/name_f] [name_f]Claire[/name_f] (28)
[name_m]Zeus[/name_m] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] (28)
[name_f]Zoey[/name_f] [name_f]Annabel[/name_f] (31)
[name_f]Penelope[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] (46)

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

  • [name_f]Medea[/name_f] (51) (F)
    – [name_u]Alex[/name_u] (21) (M)
    – [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] (5) (F)
    – [name_m]Egan[/name_m] (4) (M)
  • [name_u]Leslie[/name_u] (40) (F)
    – [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] (5) (M)
    – [name_f]Zarah[/name_f] (4) (F)
    – [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] (4) (F)
  • [name_f]Lyra[/name_f] (24) (F) (Me)
    – [name_f]Talia[/name_f] (4) (F)
  • [name_u]Micah[/name_u] (29) (M)
  • [name_u]Jayden[/name_u] (24) (M)

A short romantic relationship of two passengers, [name_u]Micah[/name_u] and [name_f]Lyra[/name_f] (Me). We’re not together any more, but we had a kid who’s now 2: A baby boy named [name_m]Elijah[/name_m].

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens!

The species is called Zyblill. They are a hybrid species between humans and amphibians. Their skin is covered with fine scales of colors between the blue and the violet and they have bleaches to breathe under the water, nevertheless they have anthropomorphic form. You learn that their civilization is middle ages and they are friendly.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

You land your spaceship on their planet and quickly make friends with them.

One year passes and you’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular:

  • [name_f]Cat[/name_f] (F) (Middle aged)
    – [name_f]Aria[/name_f] (F) ([name_m]Young[/name_m] adult)
    — [name_u]Pax[/name_u] (M) (Child)
    – [name_m]Wilder[/name_m] (M) ([name_m]Young[/name_m] adult)
    – [name_m]Viridian[/name_m] (M) (Teenager)

[name_f]Cat[/name_f] is the mother of [name_f]Aria[/name_f], who has a little boy ([name_u]Pax[/name_u]), [name_m]Wilder[/name_m] and [name_m]Viridian[/name_m].

What does their life look like? They have a similar life as in middle ages in the [name_f]Earth[/name_f].

The ship’s crew now:

  • [name_f]Medea[/name_f] (51) (F)
    – [name_u]Alex[/name_u] (21) (M)
    – [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] (5) (F)
    – [name_m]Egan[/name_m] (4) (M)
  • [name_u]Leslie[/name_u] (40) (F)
    – [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] (5) (M)
    – [name_f]Zarah[/name_f] (4) (F)
    – [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] (4) (F)
  • [name_f]Lyra[/name_f] (24) (F) (Me)
    – [name_f]Talia[/name_f] (4) (F)
    – [name_m]Elijah[/name_m] (2) (M) ([name_m]Son[/name_m] with [name_u]Micah[/name_u])
  • [name_u]Micah[/name_u] (29) (M)
  • [name_u]Jayden[/name_u] (24) (M)

Round 1: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

The [name_m]Crew[/name_m]:

  • [name_u]Asa[/name_u] [name_m]Marsden[/name_m] (30) (F)
  • [name_u]Edan[/name_u] [name_m]Roper[/name_m] (26) (M)
  • [name_m]Johan[/name_m] [name_f]Kosta[/name_f] (26) (M)
  • [name_u]Arden[/name_u] Lever (25) (F) (Me)
  • [name_f]Sena[/name_f] [name_m]Evans[/name_m] (23) (F)
  • [name_m]Varan[/name_m] Tesser (23) (M)
  • [name_m]Beal[/name_m] [name_m]Lazar[/name_m] (17) (M)
  • [name_u]Piper[/name_u] Leshoto (12) (F)
  • [name_m]Ikaros[/name_m] [name_m]Roper[/name_m]-[name_m]Marsden[/name_m] (4) (M) ([name_m]Son[/name_m] of [name_u]Asa[/name_u] and [name_u]Edan[/name_u]).

Since then, [name_f]Sena[/name_f] and [name_m]Varan[/name_m] had been in a relationship, but with no offspring.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! The Xeorns are a race of cold-blooded lifeforms who are experts in genetic manipulation and breed clone armies during times of war. You learn that their civilization is 19th century and they are friendly.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. You land your spaceship on their planet and quickly make friends with them.

One year passes.

You’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular.

  • [name_f]Sparrow[/name_f] (Middle aged) (F)
  • [name_u]Green[/name_u] (Old) (M)
  • [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f] (Teenager) (F)
  • [name_m]Arrow[/name_m] (Child) (M)
  • [name_m]Will[/name_m] (Child) (M)

What does their life look like? Their life is similar to [name_f]Earth[/name_f] 19-century, but a bit more avanced in tecnology.

[name_f]Gaia[/name_f] Perenelle (62)

  • [name_f]Eva[/name_f] Zoraide (35)
    —[name_u]Artemis[/name_u] Zavia (17)
    —[name_f]Zaida[/name_f] Athanasia (4)
  • [name_m]Jack[/name_m] [name_m]Harlan[/name_m] (30)
  • [name_f]Helena[/name_f] [name_f]Araceli[/name_f] (30)
    —[name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] [name_f]Sofia[/name_f] (12)
    —[name_f]Dimitra[/name_f] [name_u]Zola[/name_u] (4)
  • [name_f]Avila[/name_f] [name_f]Valentina[/name_f] (25)
    —[name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_f]Zephyrine[/name_f] (5)
    —[name_f]Honora[/name_f] [name_f]Evangelia[/name_f] (5)
    —[name_f]Iris[/name_f] Eftychia (4)
  • [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] (21)
    —[name_f]Maria[/name_f] [name_u]Wren[/name_u] (4)

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for what has happened since then: The crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers, so now we can carry 36 people.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is equivalent to earth’s in the 1800s and agressive.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. You send two crew members to negotiate. You decide who. You can convince them of your friendly intentions and are allowed to land your spaceship and live with them for some time to get to know them better.

One year passes.

  • If you’re still with the aliens, you’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for their age and sex (see below). Relationships are up to you.

  • [name_u]Justice[/name_u] (59) m. Happiness (56)
    —[name_f]Emerald[/name_f] (27)
    —-[name_u]Silver[/name_u] (5)
    —-[name_m]Flint[/name_m] (2)

They beg you to let them stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; they say they’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home.

Now for the end of round 2, list everyone’s names, ages, and relationships.

[name_f]Gaia[/name_f] Perenelle (63)

  • [name_f]Eva[/name_f] Zoraide (36)
    —[name_u]Artemis[/name_u] Zavia (18)
    —[name_f]Zaida[/name_f] Athanasia (5)

  • [name_m]Jack[/name_m] [name_m]Harlan[/name_m] (31)

  • [name_f]Helena[/name_f] [name_f]Araceli[/name_f] (31)
    —[name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] [name_f]Sofia[/name_f] (13)
    —[name_f]Dimitra[/name_f] [name_u]Zola[/name_u] (5)

  • [name_f]Avila[/name_f] [name_f]Valentina[/name_f] (26)
    —[name_f]Athena[/name_f] [name_f]Zephyrine[/name_f] (6)
    —[name_f]Honora[/name_f] [name_f]Evangelia[/name_f] (6)
    —[name_f]Iris[/name_f] Eftychia (5)

  • [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] (22)
    —[name_f]Maria[/name_f] [name_u]Wren[/name_u] (5)

  • [name_u]Justice[/name_u] (59) m. Happiness (56)
    —[name_f]Emerald[/name_f] (27)
    —-[name_u]Silver[/name_u] (5)
    —-[name_m]Flint[/name_m] (2)

My name is [name_f]Celestina[/name_f] (23)

The spaceship has long left our solar system on its search for new worlds and, maybe, new life forms. Of course, Im not alone on this journey. The ship can hold up to 20 people and currently has 10 passengers, including myself.

[name_u]James[/name_u] (male,57)
[name_f]Priya[/name_f] (female, 30)
[name_u]Luca[/name_u] (male, 25)
[name_f]Zara[/name_f] (female, 21)
[name_f]Penelope[/name_f] (female, 18)
[name_m]Augustine[/name_m] (male, 16)
[name_m]Mitchell[/name_m] (male, 4)
[name_f]Alexandra[/name_f] (female, 4)
[name_u]Kaj[/name_u] (male, nb)

The spaceship left earth 60 years ago - everyone on board has been born there. Because the ship isn’t big enough to hold a naturally stable population, it carries a freezer with fertilized cells in it, so any female passenger can have a baby of the preferred sex whenever a population growth seems reasonable.

On what starts looking like any boring day, our ship collides with a small asteroid.

Nothing of value breaks, but [name_f]Priya[/name_f] & [name_m]Augustine[/name_m] die in the crash protecting the children. [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] & I decide to have babies so the population size stays the same.

I give birth to a baby girl and name her [name_f]Zelda[/name_f]. [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] has a boy named [name_m]Henri[/name_m].

Its been one year since the crash, and the passengers include:

[name_u]James[/name_u] (male,58)
[name_f]Priya[/name_f] (female, 30, Deceased)

  • [name_m]Mitchell[/name_m] (male, 5)
  • [name_f]Alexandra[/name_f] (female, 5)
    [name_u]Luca[/name_u] (male, 26)
    [name_f]Celestina[/name_f] (female, 24)
  • [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] (female, nb)
    [name_f]Zara[/name_f] (female, 22)
  • [name_u]Kaj[/name_u] (male, 1)
    [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] (female, 19)
  • [name_m]Henri[/name_m] (male, nb)
    [name_m]Augustine[/name_m] (male, 16, Deceased)

It’s been four years and the crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers now.

Our ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time we meet aliens! They look similar to humans but with larger eyes (similar to a deers), pointed ears, and have different colored skin based on planet location (green near lakes, purple in the valleys, ect). We learn that their civilization is equivalent to earth’s in the near-ish future.

They are scared of us.

We send a message to earth saying we were successful on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

We send [name_u]James[/name_u] & [name_f]Zara[/name_f] to negotiate. They convince them of our friendly intentions and allow us to land our spaceship and live with them for some time to get to know them better.

One year passes.

We have made friends with one family of 5 in particular. [name_u]Echo[/name_u] & [name_f]Sapphire[/name_f] with their grandchildren. [name_u]Justice[/name_u], a young man and teens [name_u]Ruby[/name_u] & [name_u]West[/name_u].

They have violet eyes, long white hair, and a very light blue shade of skin. They live in a huge valley and own a small farm. Most days they tend to their animals and travel to a small village at the base of the nearby mountain to trade.

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1.

The crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers now.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! They call themselves Iliquans and look similar to humans except for their hair and eyes, which are commonly green, purple, or ivory. You learn that their civilization is equivalent to [name_f]Earth[/name_f] in the middle ages
and they are friendly.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.

If they’re friendly, you land your spaceship on their planet and quickly make friends with them.

One year passes.

  • If you’re still with the aliens, you’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular. A middle-aged couple, along with their three young daughters. Their names are unpronounceable in English but translate to [name_u]Walker[/name_u] and [name_f]Jade[/name_f], with their daughters [name_f]Emerald[/name_f], [name_f]Lilac[/name_f], and Brave.

Their planet is very matronymic and the women are in charge of most affairs.

Now for the end of round 2, list everyone’s names, ages, and relationships.
F: [name_u]Riley[/name_u], 35
F: [name_f]Cerys[/name_f], 35
F: [name_f]Eleni[/name_f], 27
F: [name_f]Ziva[/name_f], 27
F: [name_u]Sage[/name_u], 25
M: [name_m]Adrian[/name_m], 21
F: [name_f]Azura[/name_f], 13
F: [name_f]Demi[/name_f], 10

M: [name_u]Walker[/name_u]
F: [name_f]Jade[/name_f]
F: [name_f]Emerald[/name_f] “[name_f]Emmy[/name_f]”
F: [name_f]Lilac[/name_f]
F: Brave

[name_u]Max[/name_u] Capacity: 24 Passengers
Current Number of Passengers: 14

Euphoria [name_u]Lou[/name_u] (63)

[name_m]Johan[/name_m] [name_u]Luca[/name_u] (46)

[name_m]Odysseus[/name_m] Philipos (36) “[name_m]Odie[/name_m]”

[name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_f]Rhonwen[/name_f] (36)
– [name_f]Zara[/name_f] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] (10)
– [name_m]Penn[/name_m] [name_u]Reid[/name_u] (2)

[name_f]Primrose[/name_f] [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] (31)

[name_m]Theodor[/name_m] [name_u]Micah[/name_u] (31)

[name_f]Daphne[/name_f] [name_u]Aidan[/name_u] (27)
[name_m]Bartlett[/name_m] [name_f]Jannis[/name_f] (27)
– [name_f]Tallulah[/name_f] [name_u]Piper[/name_u] (6)

[name_u]Harper[/name_u] [name_f]Plum[/name_f] (27)
– [name_u]Jayden[/name_u] [name_m]Alexandros[/name_m] (6)

[name_u]Wren[/name_u] [name_u]Zephyr[/name_u] (24) Me

[name_u]Truly[/name_u] (65)
Devoted (22) “[name_m]Devo[/name_m]”

    • Wise (nb)
    • Wyra (nb)
      [name_u]Story[/name_u] (15)
      [name_u]Green[/name_u] (10)

Within the 4 years since the crash, [name_m]Theodor[/name_m] and [name_f]Isla[/name_f] had a short romantic relationship. It didn’t last long, but they had a child together, [name_m]Penn[/name_m].
We enter a new solar system, and find intelligent life! Their species is called “Dryqret”. Their civilization is equivalent to earth’s near-future. The Dryqret’s are afraid of us.
We send [name_m]Johan[/name_m] to try and communicate with the Dryqret’s, and we convince them that we are friendly, and decide to stay and live with them for a while to get to know more about them.

After one year on the Dryqret’s planet, we have become very close with a family of 5. There is [name_u]Truly[/name_u], the grandfather, who is raising his 3 grandchildren. His oldest grandson ([name_m]Devo[/name_m]) has twin daughters. Their mother abandoned them at birth, and he has been raising them ever since.

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1 The oldest member of your crew died.
Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s the first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is near-ish future and they are scared of you.
You send a message to earth saying you were successful on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. If they’re aggressive and more advanced than you, you flee.

One year passes.

If you left, you’ve found stowaway passengers on your ship who sneaked in from the alien planet: a teenaged boy and his younger sister
They beg you to let them stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; they say they’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home.
The aliens’ names aren’t pronouncable by humans, so you call them by what their names translate to. Which is [name_m]Tiger[/name_m], 16 and [name_f]Joy[/name_f], 12

Rufy, 28
[name_m]Henri[/name_m], 27
[name_m]Ian[/name_m], 24
[name_m]Mick[/name_m], 35 (deceased)
[name_f]Rose[/name_f], 27
[name_f]Zara[/name_f], 24
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] (f), 27

  • [name_m]Jon[/name_m], 5
    [name_f]Isla[/name_f], 36
  • [name_u]Alex[/name_u] (f), 5

It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1. The crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers now.

Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is far future and they are aggressive.

You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next. We flee.

You’ve found stowaway passengers on your ship who sneaked in from the alien planet: a teenage boy and his younger sister.

They beg you to let them stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; they say they’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home.

[name_u]Harper[/name_u] [name_u]Zola[/name_u] F, 62
[name_f]Xenia[/name_f] [name_f]Araminta[/name_f] F, 62
[name_m]Konstantinos[/name_m] [name_m]Zeppelin[/name_m] M, 35
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] M, 26
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] F, 26

  • [name_f]Amelie[/name_f] [name_f]Posey[/name_f] F, 4
    [name_m]Anthony[/name_m] [name_u]Nile[/name_u] M, 23
    [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] F, 23
  • [name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_f]Petunia[/name_f] F, 0
    [name_m]Zander[/name_m] [name_m]Christos[/name_m] M, 23
    [name_m]Henri[/name_m] Achilleas M, 17
    [name_m]Conrad[/name_m] [name_m]Greyson[/name_m] M, 16
    [name_f]Marina[/name_f] [name_f]Ida[/name_f] F, 7
    [name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Augustine[/name_m] M, 5

[name_u]Max[/name_u] Capacity: 32
Current Number of Passengers: 13

[name_m]Jack[/name_m] Achilleas (31)

[name_f]Ariadne[/name_f] [name_f]Thalia[/name_f] (31) “[name_u]Ari[/name_u]”
– [name_u]Micah[/name_u] [name_m]Alexandros[/name_m] (10)
– [name_u]Aidan[/name_u] [name_m]Jonas[/name_m] (6)
– [name_f]Layla[/name_f] [name_u]Wren[/name_u] (5)

[name_f]Poppy[/name_f] [name_f]Zoelle[/name_f] (31)
– [name_u]Oak[/name_u] [name_f]Wisdom[/name_f] (9) (Zarx Alien)
– [name_u]Asa[/name_u] [name_f]Cascade[/name_f] (6)
– [name_f]Lark[/name_f] [name_f]Wilma[/name_f] (4) (Zarx Alien)

[name_u]Quinn[/name_u] [name_f]Terra[/name_f] (27) Me
– [name_u]Zen[/name_u] [name_u]James[/name_u] (6)
– [name_m]Theodor[/name_m] [name_u]Calder[/name_u] (5)

[name_m]Adam[/name_m] [name_m]Zachary[/name_m] (22) (My brother)

It’s been 4 years since the crash. [name_m]Zachariah[/name_m] has died since the crash.

We enter a new solar system and find a planet that is viable for life. The only problem is the aggressive aliens on the planet! They are at about the same level of civilization as we are, and we decide to get off of the planet quickly!

A year had passed, and we find two stowaway passengers! They are a little girl and a little boy. Their parents had recently died when we landed on their planet, and decided our ship was the best option. [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] takes them in as her own children.