[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] to round 2 of my SciFi BNG!
Round 1: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums
It’s been five years since the start/four years since the end of round 1. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for what has happened since then:
1 - A short romantic relationship of two passengers of your choice. They’re not together any more, but had a kid who’s now 2. (If there’s no room for the kid, re-roll)
2,3 - A still-ongoing relationship (you choose who), but with no offspring.
4 - The oldest member of your crew (excluding you, of course!) died. [name_m]How[/name_m]?
5,6 - The crew managed to increase the ship’s capacity. There’s room for 4 more passengers now.
If you still have the freezer and no passengers younger than 10, start a pregnancy now.
Your ship enters a new solar system that looks promising and indeed, one of the planets has intelligent life. It’s he first time you meet aliens! What do they look like and what’s their species called? You learn that their civilization is (equivalent to earth’s in…)
1 - stone age
2 - middle ages
3 - 19th century
4 - now
5 - near-ish future
6 - far future
and they are
1,2 - scared of you
3,4 - friendly
5,6 - agressive.
You send a message to earth saying you were successfull on your search for alien life and gather on your ship to discuss what to do next.
If they’re agressive and more advanced than you, you flee.
If they’re agressive and less advanced or scared, you send two crew members to negotiate. You decide who.
1,2 - You’re not successfull. Your ship stays in orbit for a few more days but eventually you decide to continue your search.
3-6 - You can convince them of your friendly intentions and are allowed to land your spaceship and live with them for some time to get to know them better. -
If they’re friendly, you land your spaceship on their planet and quickly make friends with them.
One year passes.
- If you’re still with the aliens, you’ve made friends with one family of 5 in particular. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for their age and sex (see below). Relationships are up to you.
even - female
odd - male
1 - newborn
2 - child
3 - teenager
4 - young adult
5 - middle aged
6 - old
What does their life look like?
- If you left, you’ve found (a) stowaway passenger(s) on your ship who sneaked in from the alien planet:
1 - a pregnant teenaged female who has since given birth
2 - two children, a boy and a girl
3 - a newborn boy, appearently abandoned at birth
4 - a young married couple
5 - a teenaged boy and his younger sister
6 - a little girl
They beg you to let them stay and you welcome them on your ship even if it pushes the maximum number of passengers; they say they’d rather sleep on the floor than go back home. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to make up a background story for them!
For all natural pregnancies, roll once for sex and twice for number of babies:
even - female
odd - male
2-11 - single birth
12 - twins
Artificial pregnancies are single births, sex of your choice.
Name all new humans (or an alien baby abandoned at birth) using this key:
1 - female: end with -lynn or -ly // male: name of someone you like
2 - one syllable
3 - Random Name Generator - Behind the Name , check Danish, Norwegian and Swedish
4 - female: Annelora / [name_f]Stefanie[/name_f] / [name_f]Laureen[/name_f] / [name_f]Anneliese[/name_f] / [name_f]Edith[/name_f] / [name_f]Vivianna[/name_f] / [name_f]Nicole[/name_f] / [name_f]Freya[/name_f] / [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] / [name_f]Allegra[/name_f] / [name_f]Mia[/name_f] / [name_f]Doreen[/name_f] // male: starts with G
5 - from Hilfe | Vornamerei - Finde Vornamen und ihre Bedeutung
6 - from Top names of the 1880s
The aliens’ names aren’t pronouncable by humans, so you call them by what their names translate to. Which is…
1 - a colour
2 - a positive attribute
3 - an animal
4 - any wordname common on earth
5 - anything starting with a W
6 - a gemstone or mineral
Now for the end of round 2, list everyone’s names, ages, and relationships.
There will be another round soon!