SciFi BNG Round 7.
Round 6: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums
This is the final round.
10 years passed since round 6. You choose what happened.
- On an alien homeworld:
a) You and the other humans have been included into the aliens’ society. It works out pretty well. The human children go to their schools, the adults have jobs, and there’s even a human-alien marriage with two mixed children. Name them, their alien parent, and all children the other humans might have had.
b) The aliens had a scientific breakthrough 9 years ago: They developed faster-than-light travel. Their first travel was to earth, and they offered you all a ride home, which you gladly accepted. The ship reached earth in a matter of weeks and you have been living there since. Although none of you had seen earth before, all humans have been included into the society quickly. Most of them got married and some had children. The ship that brought you home stayed in orbit for some months to study humans and their culture. Eventually they moved on, but three of them stayed on earth to learn more. Name them, and everyones’s spouses and children.
c) The alien-human-arrangement didn’t work out very well. You and the other humans have to face hate and discrimination by most of the aliens, even those human children that have been born on that planet. Some think about leaving, but you can’t, you don’t have a ship any more. All your hopes are on a small but growing movement that wants to give humans civil rights. Their leaders, a young couple, even moved to the human village to live with you, and had 3 children during the next few years. Name all 5 of them, and any children the humans might have had.
- On another planet:
a) Your settlement grew a lot in these 10 years. A total of 17 children were born. You’ve built a school and organised a daycare center for the younger children. You’re optimistic about the future for your village and hardly thinking of space any more. Name all the children.
b) Some hard winters lie behind you. Your village struggled and lost several people to hunger and cold. Only 2 new children were born and survived. You all miss the comfort and safety you had in space, but you don’t have a ship/can’t get it to take off, so you have no choice than to keep trying. Name both children.
c) The village’s growth has come to an end and you’re not quite sure why. A popular theory is that there’s something in the local water that makes humans infertile over time. This is a problem: The village can’t survive without children. You already thought all hope is lost for you when you spot a giant spaceship above you one day. It has a mixed crew of 8 humans and 5 [an alien species of your choice], and room for over 100 people. When they ask you to join them, you don’t even have to think about it. You abandon your doomed settlement and continue your journey through space. Name everyone on board.
- On your own spaceship:
a) You continued your journey without any unfortunate incidents. The last 10 years brought three births, one death, and a new alien species you found. Name that species, describe them, and name the new children.
b) Your crew grew quite a lot in these 10 years. Although 2 passengers died, you reached the maximum capacity of the ship. Your search for new worlds continues, and you don’t plan to ever stop it. Name the new passengers and describe how they got there (born there, found on a planet, found on a ship,…)
c) You found a planet that’s perfect for human life and decided to settle there. That was only 5 years ago, but you’ve already built a few houses, started a farm and had several children. Name them.
- On an alien ship:
a) The ship crashed 8 years ago and you all stranded on a very life-unfriendly planet. It soon became apparent that humans and aliens had to overcome their differences to survive. You’ve built houses together, dug a well and started a little farm. Several children were born to both humans and aliens, and they grow up together happy and unaware of the problems their parents had. Name them.
b) A highly advanced alien species found the ship and felt sorry for you, being so far from home with no chance to get back within a lifetime. They offered all humans a ride to earth, which you accepted. You’ve now been living on earth for 2 years, slowly getting used to the homeplanet you never knew. The aliens that brought you home left, but you’ll remember them forever. Especially since some of you found themselves pregnant with their babies, although you’re not quite sure when or how that happened. Name the babies, and the species.
c) The aliens brought you to their homeworld, where they keep you in a laboratory for astrobiology to study you. You have everything you need to live, but you can’t leave and they basically treat you as animals, including breeding new humans at their will, one every year. Name them.
If the number and age of children is not stated, it’s up to you.
even - female
odd - male
ages (exact numbers up to you):
1 - baby
2 - child
3 - teenager
4 - young adult
5 - middle aged
6 - old
human names:
1 - female: flower name // male: Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry
2 - from Followers | Listings - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Guide -
3 - a nickname name
4 - female: name of a celebrity baby // male: ends with -den, -on or -ad
5 - from List of Nobel laureates - Wikipedia
6 - [name_u]Madison[/name_u] / [name_u]Corbin[/name_u] / [name_u]Story[/name_u] / [name_u]Emmett[/name_u] / [name_u]Everly[/name_u] / [name_u]Sailor[/name_u] / [name_u]Remy[/name_u] / [name_u]Bellamy[/name_u] / [name_f]Tenzin[/name_f] / [name_u]Pax[/name_u] /
[name_u]Alden[/name_u] / [name_u]Ilia[/name_u] / [name_u]Leaf[/name_u] / [name_u]Kayden[/name_u] / [name_u]Rohan[/name_u] / [name_u]Lane[/name_u] / [name_u]Sam[/name_u] / [name_u]Presley[/name_u]
alien names: 3 letters long, following the pattern:
1 - vowel-consonant-vowel
2 - vowel-consonant-consonant
3 - consonant-vowel-consonant
4 - consonant-consonant-vowel
5 - consonant-vowel-vowel
6 - vowel-vowel-consonant
(Can be made up, actual names or words their names translate to)
This is the end! I hope you had fun!