So many of you know I picked the name [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] and as you all guessed [name_u]Sloane[/name_u]. However, I’m already feeling the name regret. As much as I love them both I don’t think I will be using them.
Naming is so challenging!
I really struggled when it came to naming my daughter had a very long list mulled over so many names and had doubts on the day of the c section. Naming is hard so don’t beat yourself up about feeling uncertain.
I would try to figure out what makes [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] & [name_u]Sloane[/name_u] not the ones for your twins. Why won’t you go with them? I think once you’ve figured that out you may be able to narrow your search as you’ll be on the hunt of names that don’t preSent the same issues.
Have you looked on nameberry for alternatives to [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] & [name_u]Sloane[/name_u]?
Why are they not “the name”? What’s wrong with them? What are you looking for in a name?
I think why I chose [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] in the first place was because it was one of my favorite names as a little girl. I felt like because I loved it so much as a child my should I do not love it now. And I think why I let myself think that I loved it so much is because I got so much praise from it. Not only on nameberry but from my family and friends. But deep down I didn’t love it. Scrolling on nameberry also led me to some name regret with my son. See all these adorable names that I could never use because they wouldn’t make sense with [name_u]Micah[/name_u]. I think why I couldn’t go thru with Slone, in the end, is because it was my filler name. It was my name that I chose because I felt like I had to. I saw it in a movie I thought it was cute. It made some sense with [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] so I chose it. Like naming has been so stressful. Naming my son was so easy I chose probably around 8 weeks in. Didn’t change my mind didn’t even think twice. I was literally crying on my bathroom floor the other day out of fear of not being able to choose the name. I think it’s the hormones but I can’t seem to find a single name I like.
That does sound like pregnancy hormones. But i wouldn’t go with teagan or slone. I commented on your other post with a few names, I actually suggested [name_u]Micah[/name_u], lol.
I’m sorry you’ve been having a difficult time with this
I can only imagine how hard naming a little person is, not to mention two little people! All the advice I can offer is be kind to yourself, and be patient. Your baby’s names are out there, and I think the quest will make you love them even more when you find them!
and on a side note, [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] + [name_u]Sloane[/name_u] are amazing, very sweet and strong for little girls! They might even grow on you once you meet your daughters.
Maybe taking a break from thinking about and looking at names would help if it’s making you feel regret and stressed. Take a couple weeks or a month (depending on when your due date is!). Maybe you’ll fall back in love with [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] and [name_u]Sloane[/name_u], or a new name will come to you with fresh eyes.
Hey! I’m fairly new to name berry and I stumbled upon a couple of your other posts. Congrats on the twins and I’m so sorry for the struggle. Maybe try taking it easy and don’t stress yourself out with names. The right one will come along eventually
I am also expecting twins and totally understand how you feel.