Seasonal name taste shift

Does anyone else feel their name taste shift in line with the seasons? I’m not talking a total change, but sometimes quite a subtle stylistic shift, perhaps still in-keeping with your general style but veering tonally. For example, with the turn of the seasons, darker nights, change in the weather, my favoured names have definitely leaned more dark (academia). Perhaps heavier, clunkier, with my lighter, more mellifluous choices going on the back-burner for now. I’m interested in knowing if other northern hemisphere people get this too? It could manifest as leaning more homespun / cosy / cottagecore.


Not necessarily. I do feel my style changing multiple times throughout the year, but would not attribute it to the seasons.

I am, however, interested in the way most people change their choice of names with the seasons. I suppose you’d find many others like that, especially since I hear a lot of ‘seasonal UC’ and things like that.

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[name_m]Ah[/name_m], I didn’t realise people did the seasonal UC thing. It interests me, and (for me) it’s not deliberate, just something I’ve noticed happens organically.

This is a great question as I was thinking about the same thing a few days ago. I think my naming style remains about the same throughout all seasons normally, however as soon as late [name_u]September[/name_u] / early [name_u]October[/name_u] approaches I do get drawn to whimsical, magical and even dark academia names a lot more than in other seasons.

I love [name_u]Christmas[/name_u], so all the names that remind me of winter magic, snow and holidays are on top of my list every fall, even if they’re not usually 100% my naming style :snowflake::dove: :sparkles::crescent_moon::white_heart:


i mean hm, this is a good question. i’m not sure what i would call it. but with the seasons i tend to like more names directed to those seasons, like for example in the summer i like upbeat names like blakely, but in the fall and winter maybe more classic long names like for fall a name like apollonia and for winter smth like veronica. but i don’t necessarily stop liking each name, but i definitely shift my mind to different names each eason if that makes any sense :sweat_smile:

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I totally feel this. And as I say I don’t start going for names wildly out of step with my general taste (though that’s kind of ever-evolving) - just other options come to the forefront and hold more appeal and the appeal of light musical names drops away to sleep until spring. I definitely lean towards and embrace the dark.

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Makes complete sense, that’s pretty much what I’m trying to say :smiling_face:

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To a small degree, yes! I feel extra drawn towards nature-based names in spring and summer, but I do like them year-round, so it’s a mild uptick. More so, I’d say that I’d be influenced by the time of year my baby was due when choosing their name, like even in the early stages, I’d be thinking “OK, they’re due in [name_u]December[/name_u], a winter baby… what would suit them?”

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i 100% feel this, which is why i do seasonal ucs! with it getting colder, i’ve been feeling more dark academia names. during the spring and summer, i really like cottagecore names.

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I would have never described it better - to embrace the dark - that’s literally how I feel every autumn. :white_heart::sparkles:

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Absolutely this also :smiling_face:

Me too with the dark academia, and also more broadly ‘heritage’ names - ‘heritage’ is my term to differentiate the clunky, patrician old options from the softer, more twee choices which I’d call broadly call vintage, cottagecore being a subset of that. I’m also attracted to something I’ve termed liquid dark, which I’m defining as names that feel sensuous, rich, voluptuous, evocative. Deep velvet, jewels, candlelight spilling amber pools of honey in the dark would be the aesthetic. [name_f]Plum[/name_f] and [name_f]Esmeray[/name_f] are a couple of examples. [name_f]Esmeray[/name_f] means dark moon - adore that.

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Yes, in every respect actually. We do it with our taste in books and tv (very into my gothic atm), and with our sartorial choices beyond just the need to keep warm - our preferred colours become deeper and richer - so why not taste in names?

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I don’t think so, my name taste either stays very consistent or changes but not because of season, but because of my mood (it is autumn and I like names opposite of autumn!!! When it was spring I liked more autumnal names :rofl:)

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Fair enough! Different strokes for different folks :smiling_face:

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I don’t really like autumn and winter myself, I love spring and summer, so that is why, maybe?

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Maybe, or perhaps your brain just doesn’t work that way. That’s why is an interesting thing I guess because everyone’s different.

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I always get super into [name_f]Clara[/name_f] around Christmastime!

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I relate to this! I have a baby due at [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] and her due date has definitely been a factor in choosing her name. I think to an extent baby naming has always been influenced by the season- think how many more [name_m]Lucias[/name_m], Noelles and Natalies are born in the winter, baby boy Pascals at [name_f]Easter[/name_f], etc.