Second Thoughts

We have begun to rethink the name [name]Jacob[/name] for one of our twin boys. [name]One[/name] of our sons will be [name]Wesley[/name] [name]Patrick[/name]. We love the name Croy, but we are sure a lot of people will think it’s weird. I love the name [name]Mason[/name] [name]Theodore[/name] after my grandma, but I don’t know if it really goes with [name]Wesley[/name]. We both love [name]Jacob[/name], but we are not too crazy about how popular it is.

Other names on our list:
[name]Easton[/name] [name]Ray[/name]
[name]Garren[/name] [name]Colt[/name]
[name]Bennett[/name] ‘[name]Benny[/name]’

Which name do you think is the perfect match for [name]Wesley[/name]'s twin brother?

I think [name]Wesley[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] and [name]Easton[/name] [name]Cooper[/name] would be very cute together.

I like [name]Cooper[/name]. It is a guilty pleasure name of mine.

[name]Easton[/name] is great, but seems a little too matchy maybe? [name]East[/name] and [name]Wes[/name]? Kind of sounds like [name]East[/name] and [name]West[/name].

[name]Garren[/name] is ok. Sounds handsome.

I am not a fan of [name]Travers[/name].

[name]Bennett[/name] I love! [name]Benny[/name]? Not so much. For me, it seems like a shame to have a great name like [name]Bennett[/name] and shorten it to something cheesy like [name]Benny[/name]. [name]Ben[/name] as a nn sounds great with [name]Wes[/name]. [name]Ben[/name] and [name]Wes[/name]?

[name]Jacob[/name] and [name]Wesley[/name] is a nice match if you don’t mind the popularity. [name]Jacob[/name] is a great name. I would pick [name]Cooper[/name] if it were me.

I am not a fan of Mason, it is almost ridiculously trendy and popular right now.

I like Croy the best. Who cares if people think it’s weird? Guess what other names people thought were weird a few years ago (or maybe still do): [name]Easton[/name], [name]Bennett[/name], [name]Cooper[/name], [name]Garren[/name] and [name]Travers[/name].

[name]Wesley[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] & [name]Mason[/name] [name]Theodore[/name] are perfect together!

Personally, I don’t really think that [name]Jacob[/name] matches [name]Wesley[/name]. [name]Jacob[/name] is classic. [name]Wesley[/name] has a bit of cooler, vintage vibe to me. [name]Jacob[/name] just seems sort of plain next [name]Wesley[/name]. I don’t mind the name individually but, as a twin, I think that [name]Jacob[/name] got the least cool name of the pair. Also, I’d be really concerned about the popular of [name]Jacob[/name] and [name]Jake[/name] in general (not to mention [name]Jack[/name]).

Anyhow, of your names, I think basically any of others go better.

I think [name]Mason[/name] goes better with [name]Wesley[/name] than [name]Jacob[/name] does. My only concern is that [name]Mason[/name] is a little trendy, but you might not mind.
[name]Cooper[/name] - I think is good and goes well with [name]Wesley[/name]
[name]Easton[/name] - Is nice in its own right, but I totally agree that it [name]East[/name] and [name]Wes[/name] sound ridiculous matchy.
[name]Garren[/name] - Interesting. Not sure I ever heard it before, so you might get some of the same reactions as Croy.
[name]Travers[/name] - Same as [name]Garren[/name].
[name]Bennett[/name] - I like this a lot with [name]Wesley[/name] but I’m not feeling the [name]Benny[/name] nn. I would prefer [name]Wes[/name] and [name]Ben[/name].

Anyhow, this is your kid so you should pick a name you love if you do in fact love one (or in this case two). If you love Croy and [name]Mason[/name] , then go for one of them.

1 [name]Wesley[/name] and [name]Bennett[/name]
2 [name]Wesley[/name] and [name]Cooper[/name]
3 [name]Wesley[/name] and [name]Mason[/name]

I like [name]Bennett[/name] with [name]Wesley[/name]. I agree with PP, I think [name]Ben[/name] is better for [name]Bennett[/name]…

I like [name]Wesley[/name] and [name]Cooper[/name]! [name]Wesley[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] and [name]Cooper[/name] [name]Jacob[/name].

I was going to say [name]Easton[/name] with [name]Wesley[/name] until I saw people mentioning [name]East[/name] and [name]Wes[/name]. Yeah…nevermind. :slight_smile: I’m going to say [name]Bennett[/name] and [name]Wesley[/name] then. [name]Ben[/name] and [name]Wes[/name] are incredibly adorable together!

[name]Mason[/name] seems to be the [name]Jason[/name] of the 80s and 90s…it’s very popular right now although style-wise I think it’s better than [name]Jacob[/name]. I’ve never heard of Croy before…I think id actually grow to like this. It’s easy to pronounce and spell. It’s one syllable balances out the 3 initial mn.
My vote is for [name]Wesley[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] and Croy [name]Theodore[/name].