Secret Guilty Pleasures... the names I love for baby #2

See the results of this poll: which do you adore?

Respondents: 69 (This poll is closed)

  • Philip : 43 (52%)
  • Glen : 7 (9%)
  • Roger : 8 (10%)
  • Donald : 2 (2%)
  • Jeffrey: 22 (27%)

Personally, I love [name]Philip[/name]. It’s very distinguished and I don’t think it sounds dated at all. [name]Jeffrey[/name] isn’t something I’d use myself but I think it’s a perfectly good name. The other three do sound very old-mannish to me, so I wouldn’t suggest using them.

Personally, I don’t see one on there that anybody should have problems with. [name]Philip[/name], [name]Roger[/name], [name]Donald[/name], and [name]Jeffery[/name] are all perfectly classic names and [name]Glen[/name] is a little uncommon but certainly not too out there. They’re all great names.

My favorite is [name]Glen[/name]. It’s very handsome. My second favorite is [name]Jeffrey[/name], but I love the spelling [name]Geoffrey[/name] much more.

I know of two little boy [name]Philips[/name] and one little baby [name]Glen[/name], so those seem particularly wearable.

I’m not a big fan of any, but I like [name]Donald[/name] nn [name]Don[/name], and [name]Jeffery[/name] is close to [name]Jeremy[/name] which I really like. I love the meaning of [name]Philip[/name], and it’s the name of the prince in Sleeping Beauty which makes me like it a lot as well. (he’s my second favourite Disney prince after, [name]Eric[/name]. )
And I have an uncle [name]Glen[/name]! [name]Roger[/name] makes me think of [name]Captain[/name] [name]America[/name] which is good.

They’re nms, but they’re not bad! It’s be kind of refreshing to meet a baby [name]Philip[/name] or [name]Roger[/name] actually.

[name]Philip[/name] is my brother’s name. It is definitely a serious, grown up name, but it’s very distinguished. It is not a name you hear often, but it’s still classic and not totally out there, which is nice!

Looks like [name]Philip[/name] is a winner, I think it’s my favorite too. Thanks for all your votes! :slight_smile:

I have a little soft spot for [name]Jeffrey[/name] but the others would be pretty cruel in my opinion. Apart from [name]Philip[/name], which is still pretty normal and still being used today.

I’ll say [name]Donald[/name] just because my grandad is called [name]Donald[/name] and I quite like [name]Don[/name]. [name]Phillip[/name] is probably the best of the lot in the sense that it’s one of those names that never seems to date and I have to admit I love the shortened name [name]Pip[/name] that can come from [name]Phillip[/name] although that isn’t used very often these days.

Have you seen Mad Men? [name]Roger[/name], [name]Donald[/name], and [name]Glen[/name] are all characters in the show. :slight_smile:

They all say dad/grandpa to me, but I can see [name]Philip[/name]'s charms…

I especially like [name]Philip[/name], [name]Glen[/name], and [name]Jeffrey[/name].

We considered using [name]Philip[/name], which I totally [name]LOVE[/name], but I found myself balking at giving my son a name with the word “lip” in it. (I love the name on anyone and everyone else.)

[name]Glen[/name] was my father-in-law’s middle name, so we used it for that reason, but I really love it. With the hard G sound, it strikes me as very masculine and makes an ideal one-syllable middle name.

I really love [name]Jeffrey[/name], but I like [name]Geoffrey[/name] even more. Before I got married, I named a pet bird “[name]Jeffrey[/name].” When it surprised me by laying an egg, I renamed her Jeffrietta.

I think [name]Philip[/name] would be really cute. If you’re not into nn [name]Phil[/name], you can use a less-common traditional nn – [name]Pip[/name]!

[name]Roger[/name] would be my second pick, I think that one is pretty usable too. There isn’t anything “wrong” with any of the others though. [name]Just[/name] pretty dated-sounding. But I do think [name]Philip[/name] is quite wearable at the moment.

I agree with [name]Philip[/name] whole heartedly. If i didn’t have a strange uncle named [name]Phil[/name] it would probably be my number 1 pick for my boy due in [name]November[/name]. For some reason I see some appeal in [name]Roger[/name] as well. I’m not really sure what it is though. :slight_smile: The others don’t appeal to me though.

Sorry, but I don’t adore any of these. If I had to choose 1 I’d go with [name]Jeffrey[/name] I think.