What makes her attractive to you. Or not.
[name_f]Nancy[/name_f] is a classic. Although most of the Nancys I know are in their 40s or older, she doesn’t feel as dated as [name_f]Brenda[/name_f] or [name_f]Deborah[/name_f] might, and I like that you wouldn’t often find another baby [name_f]Nancy[/name_f]. The name feels warm and pleasant to my ears.
Hmmm, not a huge fan. Not because it’s a bit dated but because it sounds too cutesy to me. I don’t like names like [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u] either because it sounds the same way. But my older daughter does love the [name_f]Fancy[/name_f] [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] books and of course there is the brave and intelligent [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] [name_u]Drew[/name_u]. I could see a baby with the name. And I would prefer it to [name_f]Annabelle[/name_f] or other similar currently popular names.
warm and pleasant
too cutesy
I like [name_f]Nancy[/name_f]'s retro vibe, it’s easy to spell/pronounce, and recognizable yet uncommon for younger generations (at least in the US; it’s growing in popularity in the UK).
I’m not a fan of [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] at all. To me it somehow seems simultaneously dated and childish. It peaked in the U.S. in the 1940s, but it still seems cutesy and insubstantial. I’m also turned off by the fact that “nancy” is sometimes used as a pejorative for an effeminate man. This name just doesn’t work for me at all.
[name_f]Nancy[/name_f] originated as a nickname for [name_f]Anne[/name_f], so if someone really wanted to use it, I would encourage them to use [name_f]Anne[/name_f] or a related name ([name_f]Hannah[/name_f], [name_f]Annemarie[/name_f], etc) as the legal name and then use [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] as a nickname.
I’m not wild about the name, but if you want to love it, I would think the [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] [name_u]Drew[/name_u] series is all it would take. Any little girl would surely enjoy sharing a name with a young heroine of [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] [name_u]Drew[/name_u]'s caliber.
I think it would make a cool retro nickname. Personally I find it a little insubstantial for a stand alone name. I would put it in the same category as [name_f]Sally[/name_f], [name_f]Betsy[/name_f], etc.
My initial thought was no but when I thought a out it for a minute I actually really like it! I think it’s a sweet name for a little girl but I can also see it on an adult since there’s already been a generation of [name_f]Nancy[/name_f]'s all grown up!
warm and pleasant
too cutesy
(nice) retro vibe
too cutesy and childish; slang for effeminate man
not wild about the name
cool retro nickname
sweet name
My (mis)perceptions:
a. “nan” in [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] = nasally
b. “cy” in [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] = spoiled
The “[name_m]Little[/name_m] House on the [name_u]Prairie[/name_u]” character has largely influenced this. Not sure how I’d perceive [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] otherwise.
Ugh!! Why?
As far as I remember! there was only [name_f]Nellie[/name_f] on [name_m]Little[/name_m] house on the prairie, and no [name_f]Nancy[/name_f].
I love the name. It reminds my of [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] [name_u]Drew[/name_u], and how wonderfully the books were written. It’s a great name with a vintage spark.
Unfortunately, I’ve known two Nancys who were less than pleasant, so it’s been ruined by association for me. I’m not sure I’d like it even if I hadn’t known them though. It’s definitely cutesy, has a nickname feel to it, and the similarity to “nanny” bothers me. “[name_f]Nan[/name_f]” just isn’t a pleasant sound in my book.
warm and pleasant
too cutesy
(nice) retro vibe
too cutesy and childish; slang for effeminate man
not wild about the name
cool retro nickname
sweet name
(not a fan)
great name with vintage spark
too similar to nanny; “nan” isn’t a pleasant sound
Oh, what you’ve missed, [name_f]Jasmine[/name_f] :).
I think it has a nice, pleasant sound, although I do feel like it has a 70s feel to it. If it weren’t for that dated feeling with it, I might consider it. Putting all associations aside, though, I do think it’s a nice name. A LOT better than the “yoo-neek” names we hear nowadays. I’d much rather name my daughter [name_f]Nancy[/name_f] than Taelyr.
warm and pleasant
too cutesy
(nice) retro vibe
too cutesy and childish; slang for effeminate man
not wild about the name
cool retro nickname
sweet name
(not a fan)
great name with vintage spark
too similar to nanny; “nan” isn’t a pleasant sound
nice, pleasant sound