What do you think of the name [name_f]Seraphina[/name_f]?
We love the name but wondering if it’s too long. What do you guys prefer, [name_f]Seraphina[/name_f] or Sapphina/Sophina?
We have ruled out [name_f]Seraphine[/name_f], Sephine, [name_f]Sephira[/name_f].
The surname is Shay.
Thank you!
[name_f]Seraphina[/name_f] is definitely the best option, at least in my opinion. I think it’s just find and not too long. It is getting popular though. It’s definitely a very nice name, and if you want to use it, go for it!
[name_f]Seraphina[/name_f] or [name_f]Sapphira[/name_f]
[name_f]Seraphina[/name_f] is gorgeous - it rolls so easily off the tongue
Thank you for your replies! I am not so keen on [name_f]Sapphira[/name_f] due to the story in the bible!
What are the reasons for not liking Sapphina?
[name_f]Seraphina[/name_f] is beautiful! I absolutely love that name!