
What are your thoughts on the girl name Shiuli?

It’s Bengali (an [name_f]Indian[/name_f] language) for [name_f]Jasmine[/name_f], pronounced She-u-lee.

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you think it’s wearable? [name_m]Will[/name_m] it be hard to pronounce outside [name_f]India[/name_f]?

I’ve never heard of Shiuli but I think I like it. It has a lyrical sound and a pretty meaning. I live in the US and was able to pronounce it correctly, and think that others would probably do the same.

I like Shiuli, but I don’t love it.
I know a woman named [name_f]Shulamit[/name_f] who uses the nn [name_f]Shuli[/name_f], and I prefer [name_f]Shuli[/name_f] to Shiuli. Though that might just be to do with familiarity.

I also prefer [name_f]Shuli[/name_f] to Shiuli, but I don’t think the pronunciation is hard at all for Shiuli. It is pretty with a nice meaning too. She definitely won’t have to go by the first letter of her last name in school, either! Go for it.

I don’t hate it… it seems phonetically pretty easy to understand and rolls off the tounge

I much prefer the name [name_f]Jasmine[/name_f], which you mentioned it stands for… but that’s likely because it’s just much more familiar to me

I am from [name_f]India[/name_f], albeit not from Bengal, but Shiuli is hard to pronounce even for me.

I think it’s cute, and I don’t find it difficult to pronounce at all. Though I do prefer [name_f]Jasmine[/name_f].

This is exactly the kind of complicated vowel-heavy name I fall for ^^
I really love it, and the pronunciation is fairly intuitive once you’ve heard it. It has a whispering, breezy, playful feel to me. It seems a little odd among the rest of your signature though, would you be putting it in the middle, or maybe using it for a story or something?

(I’m adding it to my list, thanks!)

Shiuli is very pretty! I really like it.

I think because it’s phonetic it wouldn’t cause too much trouble here in the US. One of my friends is Bengali, living in the States—her name is Sohini and she doesn’t encounter too much difficulty with it. I’ve also known a Shonali who got along okay here.

I’m planning on using it as a middle name. I am Bengali myself, and my husband is Irish. So we’re trying to decide on Bengali middle names. Thanks for your feedback, glad I could add a little something to your list :slight_smile: