I am having a baby girl and I have a very short list of names that I like. A strong contender is the name [name]Perion[/name] (sounds like [name]Marion[/name]). I was listening to the audiobook of [name]Stephen[/name] [name]King[/name]'s “The Stand” and there is a minor female character in there with that name. I loved the way it sounded and added it to my list. I went back to the book to get the spelling and it is [name]Perion[/name]. I assumed it would be spelled Perrien or something like that. The name is a Greek variation of [name]Peter[/name] and is very much a boy name. It isn’t a common name in any case, which I love. My other potential name right now is [name]Leah[/name] which rhymes with my name and is fairly common right now.
Would you “feminize” this name or leave it as is? I don’t like funny spellings for the sake of “being unique”. The name is already fairly unique. I want the pronounciation to be obvious. I just wonder if it is a bit too masculine spelled traditionally though? WWYD?
I would leave it as is if you love it, as I don’t think it’s common enough that people will have gender associations with it one way or another.
ETA: Though I do prefer Leah, and Marion for that matter. The pronunciation of Perion, however, is very straightforward! I can’t imagine someone pronouncing it other than how you described it. I could definitely see it being a name that grows on you, too, after hearing it a bit!
I read a fantasy novel once with a main character named Perian, nn [name]Peri[/name]. I think [name]Perion[/name] is fine for a girl, but the spelling Perian is a bit more feminine somehow.
The name does look masculine to me, but it’s unusual enough so you won’t have much problems. I’d either use it as it is (straight from the book) or use the traditional, simple way of feminising names in English: Perione/Perionne. I’d stay clear from “messier” spellings like Peryan or Perrian…
Alternatives: [name]Perry[/name]-[name]Anne[/name] or [name]Perrie[/name]-[name]Anne[/name], [name]Perrine[/name], [name]Piera[/name], [name]Persephone[/name].
I actually really like the sound of [name]Perion[/name], and the original spelling is the best option if you ask me. It doesn’t sound too masculine to me, and I definitely think you could get away with using it for a girl. Especially since the character you first heard the name on was a female, if anyone tells you it sounds male at least you have a reference for them. And I also think the nn [name]Peri[/name] is adorable. =]
I actually like [name]Perion[/name] or the alternative spelling Perian, and this is from someone who has a standing veto on cross-gender names. I just think [name]Peri[/name] is a darling nickname…it’s another word for fairy, which definitely plays up a more feminine whimsical side to the name.
If a girl can be named [name]Madison[/name], you can use [name]Perion[/name]! I think it’s a lovely name and see no need for you to feminize it. I know a girl named [name]Perrin[/name] and it sounds very much like a girls name to me. I say use it as it is
Thank you for the feedback! It is nice to see some positive comments because when I mention this name I get a lot of “Huh…interesting name…sort of” kind of looks.
I’m from the US and Perian makes the most sense as an alternative spelling to me without getting messy. I look at Perione/Perionne and wonder if people would say “[name]Perry[/name]-oh-nay.” [name]Perrine[/name] sounds like [name]Perrin[/name] which for whatever reason I don’t love as much as [name]Perion[/name]. I took French but most people don’t so they would probably call her [name]Perrine[/name] like “[name]Marine[/name]” which I would dislike.
To the [name]Petra[/name] suggestion, I have a FB friend who just gave that name to her newborn. I don’t really like it but respect the uniqueness and the fact that it is a “real” name. I thought it was funny to discover that [name]Petra[/name] which I don’t like and [name]Perion[/name] were both forms of [name]Peter[/name]. Oh also, my sister’s name is [name]Patria[/name] so there is that similarity too. [name]Love[/name] her to pieces but not really interested in having such a close similarity in names.
All of that said, the general consensus seems to be that [name]Perion[/name] is OK for a girl and I’m totally fine with that spelling. Depending on what my husband chooses as the middle name (yup totally up to him), this is now my first choice name!
Unrelated: [name]Both[/name] of my favorite girl names have pretty terrible character associations. [name]Leah[/name] was biblically the unwanted wife who [name]Jacob[/name] was tricked into marrying instead of her sister. [name]Perion[/name] in The Stand was described as lonely and unattractive but she found true love with a hottie at the end of the world. He dies of appendicitis and she commits suicide. I know how to pick them, eh?
Female version of [name]Peter[/name] is [name]Petra[/name]. At least in mine country. And there’s ancient city built in rocks called [name]Petra[/name] because [name]Peter[/name] and [name]Petra[/name] means rock. But, if you like [name]Perion[/name], you should use it.