I’m welcoming a baby girl in January/February and was set on the first name Pippa, it has a lot of meaningful connections for me and I love the sound of it. But I recently found out that it has some s3x*al meanings in different languages and I’m wondering if I should give up on it. I have a few other options, Willa being the top one, but I’m not sure I’m fully sold on it (because I just find it a beautiful name). MN will (probably) be decided when LO arrives, but feel free to suggest some.
I’m from a country where “pippa” refers to a sexual act, and I still like the name [name_f]Pippa[/name_f]! I know 2 of them, and I don’t associate their name with the word at all, it just registers as a completely different thing. Unless you live somewhere where there is a considerably large community of speakers of a language where [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] has a sexual meaning, I wouldn’t worry about it !!
I’d say it depends on where you are, if those languages are heavily spoken where you live or in your family, and whether the people around you would make those connections.
I’m in the UK and have met a number of Pippas and I’ve never heard of those references I wouldn’t give up on it, based on that!
As I say though, it is all dependent on where you live and what those around you would immediately think of when you said it?
No, you shouldn’t, if you love it.
I can guarantee you, that pretty much every name means something unfortunate in another language
The name is very similar to the word “Kite” in my language. It could potentially be slightly s3xual to older folks due to a stupid little song, but overall I think people would just focus on the fact that it’s not a common name here
hi i’m a pippa !! where i live in the uk it’s decently popular and i’ve met a few others. i’m aware of my name’s meaning in other languages, but it’s not impacted my life negatively at all, even though i’ve travelled in greece and italy (where my name has a sexual meaning). i just introduce myself as pip and it’s fine !! i wouldn’t give up on pippa - it’s a great name, i love it, and it sounds like you really love it too !!
Depends on where you live. If you live in the UK or US it is fine.
Im in the US and have no negative associations with [name_f]Pippa[/name_f], nor do I know the references
I have never heard of [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] as anything but a name. I know someone who’s about 65 named [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] and I think the name is totally ready for a revival!
I know of a few young Pippa’s where I’m from in Australia it’s a very popular choice here, mind you I think usually a nickname for [name_f]Phillipa[/name_f] or [name_f]Priscilla[/name_f] so if you wanted you could choose one of those longer forms and give her the nickname [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] then she has another name without the connotations should she need it.
I know of about four people with the name [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] (interestingly, two of them have the same surname but are completely unrelated!)
I was not aware of the name’s connotations in other languages before reading a post from another Nameberry user a few months ago.
I think the name is fine to use in English-speaking countries unless you are in a community with a large amount of Swedes, Italians or Greeks (from what I have seen, these are the languages where there are bad connotations).
Mine is one of the languages in which [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] is vulgar. I’d advise against it. It really doesn’t travel well.
It’s important to love the name; however, it bothered you enough to make a post about it, so I doubt you’ll forget the other meaning soon. Therefore, I’d choose [name_f]Willa[/name_f], which is also a lovely name. The suggestion to use a longer form of [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] was also a good one and it was nice to hear from a [name_f]Pippa[/name_f]
I think it’s fine! I’ve met a lot of Pippa’s (in an [name_f]English[/name_f] speaking country though). I think it’s such a wonderful name.
One of the meaningful aspects of [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] for me is that it’s NN for [name_f]Phillipa[/name_f], which is the female version of my brother’s name. So giving her the legal name [name_f]Phillipa[/name_f] and always calling her [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] could be a good choice as long as we’re not calling them both their full first names. I appreciate the suggestion