Should I keep this name?

Having a dilemma…
I am an [name_f]Asian[/name_f] and my parents gave me a very big English name “[name_m]Plato[/name_m]”
I’ve used this name for over 25 years.
Sometimes I think it’s so weird because everyone asked me why this name since I moved to an English speaking country last year.

[name_m]How[/name_m] do you think about this name?
Should I keep this name or just use my given name.
Please help me a bit :((


I would go ahead and keep it. [name_m]Plato[/name_m] is unusual, but actually pretty interesting and memorable. However, you should use your given name if it makes you more comfortable.

Thanks Lerenard.
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you find this name too arrogant or any bad impression when you first heard a guy called this name?

It’s hard to say. I think a person has the ability to make more of an impression on a name than the other way around. This could be especially true for a name as uncommon as [name_m]Plato[/name_m]. However, it would be funny / unfortunate for a kid named [name_m]Darwin[/name_m] to fail at math and science.

Thank you so much!!
I’ll consider about it seriously.
I am very agree with you that personality is much more important than a name.

I like the name! It sounds very intelligent and earthy to me. It’s much more important how you feel about it and if you like the name. If you like it, keep it :slight_smile: If not, go with something you feel comfortable with.

Hi trippindippy,

You guys make me more comfortable with my name.
I thought it’s a weird name before and afraid people laugh at me because it seems like I’m aligning myself to the great philosopher.
I think I’ll keep it atm because it’s the first gift my parents gave me;)

I don’t think [name_m]Plato[/name_m] is too weird. It is unusual for sure, but the fact that it’s short and easy to pronounce makes it easier to imagine on a person than [name_m]Aristotle[/name_m] or [name_m]Socrates[/name_m] in my opinion. Sure it’s a “big” name but I think it sounds intelligent and cultured. Good luck with it!

I would keep it! You might get some questions on, but it’s a cool name and I agree with it being like a gift your parents gave you. It’s uncommon, but I’ve heard much more unusual and unfortunate names.

What is your given name?

I think that while yes, it is a ‘big’ name, it’s a fantastic one. If you think you can handle a few negative/teasing type comments here and there (a lot of people will criticise anything that is different) you should definitely hold onto the name.

My given name is “PAK”, it’s a Thai word.
I guess it sounds more natural.

I think you should keep it! [name_m]Rock[/name_m] it! Own it! Embrace it!

[name_m]Plato[/name_m] is an important figure in history and a someone who is still celebrated and remembered for his accomplishments. This is why names like [name_u]James[/name_u], [name_m]Peter[/name_m], [name_m]John[/name_m], [name_m]Martin[/name_m] are used…to remember kings, Biblical figures, leaders, presidents, etc. [name_m]Plato[/name_m] is far less common but not less meaningful. Your parents obviously love you and have dreams of greatness for you…they probably don’t expect you to actually mimic [name_m]Plato[/name_m] but they feel you are important in your own right.

I had a nurse a few weeks ago when I was ill, his name was [name_m]Aristotle[/name_m]. He was Filipino. And a great nurse. I won’t forget him, mostly because of his awesome name, I was sick but that name stuck with me. [name_m]Plato[/name_m] would too. Can’t remember my doctor that night…bet his name was [name_m]Bob[/name_m]. LOL. Best of luck.

To greyer, leadmythoughts, sunniva, tiannarose,

Thank you so much!
feels much more comfortable with it now.
No one knows about this name when I was in Thailand.
I think this bad feeling was just due to a sudden impact on frequently being asked about the name.

I would keep it, if I were you, it might be a big name, but not really a negative one… I know several international people who have moved to the U.S. And chosen an ‘American’ name such as Dorcus, McGuyver, [name_u]January[/name_u], and yes at first they get asked about their uncommon name choice but very soon it’s hard to imagine them with any other name. Good luck!