Today I was talking to my friends about names; told them that I have picked out a name, specifically a [name]Shakespeare[/name] name and without any hesitation they all started bashing the name [name]Ophelia[/name]. (which is the name that I have chosen) When I finally had the chance to speak I told them that I did choose [name]Ophelia[/name], but they just continued bashing the name. It didn’t bother me when people I barely know said they didn’t like the name, but knowing now what my closest friends think of the name I don’t think I could use it anymore. Should I stay with [name]Ophelia[/name] or pick something else?
Stick to what you like! You’ll never make everyone happy, and this is your privelege to name your daughter, not friends or family. If they don’t like it then too bad. You’ll come across a dozen others who love the name including myself. [name]Don[/name]'t let anyone else’s opinion sway you if you’re set on the name
Is this for an actual baby or are you just thinking of adding [name]Ophelia[/name] to your name list?
I’m sorry you had this experience. I think [name]Ophelia[/name] is beautiful and if you truly love it, stick to your guns and they will come around.
[name]Don[/name]'t listen to your friends, it’s not their baby. [name]Ophelia[/name] is a great name! I’d use it if my boyfriend wasn’t such a stupidhead.
I personally don’t love the associations or sound of [name]Ophelia[/name], but that shouldn’t sway you. I think it’s best to pick names you & your partner love, google to rule out the names of porn stars or whatever such things, use forums to get general reactions. I didn’t do it that way until my own grandmother’s harsh reactions put me off of several favorite names!
It really is much harder to shake it off when someone you love insults a name!
If you love the name [name]Ophelia[/name] then I think you should definitely use it. I personally think it’s a beautiful name! I don’t understand what people have against it. I’ve never really been into [name]Shakespeare[/name]. Am I missing something?
@taz I agree! When my mom insults a name I love when I mention names to her it’s really hard to shake off. It usually causes me to move on from the name.
If I really loved a name and was 100% sure that it was “the one” I don’t think I’d let anyone change my mind.
[name]Ophelia[/name] is lovely and your friend was being rude by continuing even after you said that was the name you had picked. I don’t think that you should allow that one experience to sway you if you otherwise felt commited to the name. There is no perfect name out there - there will always be someone who has an objection to any name you could possibly pick.
I love it! It’s natural to want everyone in your life to love the name you decide on but you’ve got to choose the name you’d really regret not using. In my opinion, it’s soft and girly, beautiful.
I love the sound of [name]Ophelia[/name]. I understand why people dislike the associations, but every name has been associated with someone that you’d rather not have as a role model for your daughter. If you eliminated all names like that, the only names you would have left would be made up. Go with [name]Ophelia[/name] - it’s beautiful.
My feelings on the matter depend on the answer to this question.
If you are expecting-- you have very rude friends if they phrased their concerns in such tactless way. [name]Do[/name] any of those friends themselves have children? Were they voicing reservations that, in your community and social circle, a little [name]Ophelia[/name] would meet obstacles? If so, it’s up to you to decide whether or not their worries have any merit.
If it’s just a potential name on a list for a theoretical future pregnancy, I would take it with a grain of salt, and keep it locked away. Perhaps when you have children, you’ll be in an entirely different situation and their ‘takes’ won’t apply at all.
Please stick with [name]Ophelia[/name]. It’s such a beautiful name!
I try to listen and understand when I get less than enthusiastic reactions to names I like, but if after having done so, the name is still just as exciting to me, I have no problem continuing to consider using it.
I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Ophelia[/name]! I know the Shakepearean association might not be the best, but the actual meaning is lovely.
I would seriously love to use it as middle name myself.
I think this speaks more about the character of your friends than anything. People have their opinions, and it’s great to hear them, but I dislike the way friends and family often try to “name your baby” by forcing their opinion so heavily. “You can’t name your baby that!” or “You have to name your baby this!” [name]Ophelia[/name] is a great name and one bad association (albeit a pretty influential one) should not ban a name from use ever again. There are plenty of people and characters with bad name associations and the names are still given despite that. I don’t know if this will help or not, but [name]Ophelia[/name] was recently used for a major character in the movie “Savages.”
[name]Ophelia[/name] is a beautiful name!! [name]Don[/name]'t let some negative comments make you change your mind. This is good practice for when the baby arrives… other people will always have opinions on how you should/should not raise your child, and you need to learn to tune them out and follow your heart. Good luck!
I’m so sorry you had that experience. Your friends had no right to sledge a name you’re hoping to name your baby! Whether you use it or not now is really up to you. Have their comments bothered you so much that they’re all you think of when you think of the name? It’s not a decision that’s up to your friends in any way - it’s more whether you now have a sad/angry association with the name because of the way they behaved in my opinion.
I love [name]Ophelia[/name], so ignore the comments.
Some people just don’t appreciate beautiful names!
When we announced our soon to be [name]Cordelia[/name] (very similar vibe), we didn’t get good reactions from our families at all (actually we didn’t get a good reaction from any of our names), which was very disappointing. But, we knew ahead of time not to discuss any “possible” names with them (we know them all too well!), and simply announced the names after we were certain. But, we both Knew those were “the” names. Have faith in your choices and feelings. [name]Don[/name]'t let other’s rudeness about such a personal topic carry too much weight with you.
I know a Lot of people who have changed names based on what friends and family members have said, and I’ve Never heard one of them say they were happy about it. They all felt very resentful in the long-term and said they wished they had went with what they wanted. And, of all the people I know who followed their own hearts and minds, over top of others opinions (even the Very strong ones against a name), they were all much more satisfied in the end. People’s opinions of names change when they look into that little face. The name becomes a part of the child and that makes all the difference in the world.
It’s your daughter, not theirs. More than likely they’ve had or will have a chance to name their own and believe me…Your opinion will probably carry little to zero weight with their choice.
No, I would not pick a different name; if you love the name then use it. Being pressured into picking a different name to appease family and friends is apparently the number one reason for name regret.
I would tell them that they were being rude, and that if they don’t like the name you picked for your daughter that’s tough luck.