[name_m]Hi[/name_m] berries!
We have a 10 month old son, and his first name was my favorite on our list, and in order for my husband to agree to it as a FN I agreed to his top name as a middle. [name_m]Both[/name_m] the FN and MN are two syllables and our last name is three syllables (sorry, I’m not comfortable sharing the names here). His MN has no meaning for me at all but does to my husband since it’s after a musician he admires.
Anyway, my grandmother died 1 week before our son was born. My mom asked if we could honor her somehow with the name but we had already decided on the first and middle, and that’s what we stayed with. Well it’s always bothered me that we didn’t honor my grandmother somehow, and now I’m considering adding a second middle. Her name was [name_f]Edna[/name_f] so the only male equivalent I can come up with that I don’t hate is [name_m]Edward[/name_m] (any suggestions welcome). However, do you think a second middle that is also 2 syllables is too much? My husband thinks two middles is crazy but I think if I explain how much it means to me he would agree. Although when I look at it on paper it looks [name_m]LONG[/name_m].
What do you think of adding a second middle at this time? I would really like to have some sort of family meaning in his name (we are not having any more children). We have to decide soon because where I live it is expensive to do any name changes after 1 year.
[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! First of all, I am sorry to hear about your loss. I do not want to offend, but I do not think adding a second middle name is a good idea. Or I should say; I would never do it. Middle names themselves are so often forgotten and not used, a second middle would be even more so. It would just be extra long on all formal documents and probably never be talked about. To me, a second middle name just feels like an afterthought and I’m not all about super long names anyways…I understand the desire to honor a family member though. I know your husband loves the current mn of your child, but could you two talk about changing the middle name all together to incorporate the family name and the name he loves? Or maybe if you explained your reasoning for wanting to use [name_m]Edward[/name_m] as the mn, he may agree with switching the mn to one of more personal meaning than a favorite singer.
This is just my opinion; and this is a very tough situation. In the end I would just remind you to follow your heart. Whatever feels right is usually right!!!
Best of luck
If I were you, I’d probably shift my focus to other ways of honoring your grandmother other than naming a child after her. I’m sure you’re already doing some of them, but maybe make sure there’s a good picture of her up in your house and teach your son who she is, and tell him stories. Or now that he’s eating solid foods, maybe she had a recipe that you can fix for him and be sure to tell him that this is Grandma [name_f]Edna[/name_f]'s potato soup or meatloaf or sugar cookies. Or read him her favorite stories. Or play her favorite music for him to dance to.