We are expecting our baby boy this [name]June[/name]. Our 2 year old daughter, [name]Sawyer[/name], is a fierce red headed vocal bundle of fun. She fits her name perfectly. [name]Sawyer[/name] means woodworker. [name]Sawyer[/name] is not feminine and is most often thought of as a surname or a first name for a boy. We felt it was androgonous and was our first pick. With that said, [name]Sawyer[/name] is the notch in our tree of life and a tomboy to boot. We live in a resort mountain town and are a very outdoorsy family who bikes all year round. Upon finding out we were having a boy, we just haven’t felt that gut feeling for a name yet. Our list for boy has been widdled down, after many of my pregnant and hormonal choices facing reality to the following: [name]Cavanaugh[/name], [name]Carver[/name], [name]Wylie[/name], [name]Ryder[/name], [name]Gunnar[/name] and [name]Quinn[/name].
Our last name is two syllables and is Norwegian. Thanks for your comments & suggestions
I don’t like the idea of giving [name]Sawyer[/name] a sibling with another occupational name ending in -er, so, for me at least, that would eliminate [name]Carver[/name], [name]Ryder[/name], and probably also [name]Gunnar[/name].
That leaves [name]Cavanaugh[/name], [name]Wylie[/name], and [name]Quinn[/name]. [name]Wylie[/name] isn’t terrible, but it’s a but too “Wile E. Coyote” for me. [name]Cavanaugh[/name] and [name]Quinn[/name] would be my top two picks for you.
I’m not sure if it bothers you (I don’t think it would bother me too much), but [name]Quinn[/name] is given in about equal measure to boys and girls right now. In 2010, 1267 girls in the U.S. were named [name]Quinn[/name] and 1221 boys were named [name]Quinn[/name] according to the statistics at http://www.nancy.cc/ It’s not a huge problem, but since your daughter’s name is more commonly given to boys it may lead to some confusion for people meeting your kids for the first time (“Which name belongs to the boy and which one belongs to the girl?”)
[name]Cavanaugh[/name], [name]Carver[/name], [name]Wylie[/name], [name]Ryder[/name], [name]Gunnar[/name] or [name]Quinn[/name]? I would pick [name]Wylie[/name]. It’s very cowboyish. [name]Cavanaugh[/name] is a bit much. [name]Carver[/name] AND [name]Sawyer[/name] together? No! Sorry, but they are both too woodsy. As another poster said, I don’t like two siblings with ER endings, especially two occupational names. [name]Quinn[/name] is used too often for girls these days. People would probably think that [name]Sawyer[/name] is the boy and [name]Quinn[/name] is the girl.
Some suggestions: [name]Hudson[/name], [name]Paxton[/name], [name]Chesley[/name], [name]Brogan[/name] or [name]Nash[/name]
Definitely. I think that may have been the poster’s intention, but starting that pattern might put them in a bind when it comes to names if they want to have a third child.
thanks everyone. nono: the [name]Wylie[/name] connotation with Wile E. Coyota doesn’t resonate with us. I am privy to its existence but we don’t have the same sentiments. I do agree that [name]Quinn[/name] has trended toward girl and for that reason we are going to eliminate [name]Quinn[/name] from our list. Had [name]Sawyer[/name] been a boy she was going to be [name]Quinn[/name]. Funny how things change. niteowl13 we mainly had ER endings because our last name ends in [name]SON[/name] so we eliminated all the ON and EN first names - which quickly eliminates 3 of your suggestions, bummer!
lori johnson: my husband actually loves [name]Finn[/name]. It is on his list and I believe has a norwegian connotation. We are done at #2 but with the NN ending and last name ON I’m not so sold. Much Appreciation all!
Okay berries: 6 weeks to go and have narrowed the name list to [name]Wylie[/name], [name]Sullivan[/name] (nickname [name]Sully[/name] or [name]Van[/name]) and [name]Carver[/name]. [name]Ryder[/name] made a running, but we determined it was too much of a forever boy name. [name]Cavanaugh[/name] and [name]Quinn[/name] have disappeared. [name]Gunnar[/name] is still a contender, but I think it makes a great dog name. What are your thoughts / what is your vote - [name]Wylie[/name], [name]Sullivan[/name] or [name]Carver[/name].
I think [name]Sullivan[/name] is awesome with [name]Sawyer[/name] (great choice for your daughter as well!). I’m not a fan of [name]Carver[/name] at all… it is very “woodsy” with [name]Sawyer[/name] and I think the name itself sounds kind of, violent? That’s just me though, if you love it, go for it.
I LOVEEEE [name]Sullivan[/name]! [name]Sawyer[/name] and [name]Sullivan[/name] is one of the sibsets I’ve thought up if I wanted all the same letter (with sibs [name]Sebastian[/name] & [name]Sylvie[/name]), so I love the combination as well. GL!
Thanks berries ~ [name]Sullivan[/name] will decidedly make his appearance into this world soon (although [name]Sawyer[/name] is calling him [name]Carver[/name]!) unless when we meet him he just doesn’t fit the name. We know for certain he won’t have dark eyes… but we are so very excited!