We are still trying to name a third girl for our family. What are your impressions of these sibsets. Our criteria for a girl name are: name that works well with big sisters names (sounds well together - not too similar but well matched), strong name, familiar but not overly common. We live in the eastern US. Which works best?
Qu!nn, K3nnedy, and… L@ine, [name_u]Del[/name_u]@ney, or Ev3rly/Ev3rleigh.
I like both Ev3rly and [name_u]Del[/name_u]@ney! I think I like [name_u]Del[/name_u]@ney better with your current two but I have a huge soft spot for both names.
I like [name_u]Everly[/name_u] best and best with your sibset. (Definitely [name_u]Everly[/name_u] spelling).
I think [name_u]Laine[/name_u] sounds too much like [name_u]Quinn[/name_u]. While [name_u]Everly[/name_u] is like [name_u]Kennedy[/name_u] I still think it’s a better option than [name_u]Laine[/name_u] with the siblings.