Hello! This thread is to compile a list of fun things you can do with your signature when you’re tired of seeing your favorite combos over and over again. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to add on!
- Making combos for each letter of the alphabet
- Making combos with alliteration only
- Period-specific combos, for example, using names from the Victorian era, or from names in the top 100 in the 40s
- Names from your favorite movies/books only! Or series-specific names, like [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] names
- Two middle name combos if you usually just use one, and vice versa
- Nature combos
- GP name combos
- Country-specific combos ([name_m]French[/name_m], Swedish, Japanese, Greek, etc)
- Combos with a style that you usually don’t like! For instance, if you prefer modern trendy names, try creating the best combos you can with obscure, old-fashioned names
- Combos with names you really like but as middle names, but as first names