Similar sounds?

As I recently posted, we are really loving [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] [name_f]Augusta[/name_f] for this little girl. It has a lot of meaning for us and I really think it’s perfect. I have one big hesitation, which my husband says isn’t an issue but…

Her older brother, who is closest in age to her, is [name_u]Blaise[/name_u]. We mostly call him [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] [name_u]Louie[/name_u] (his middle name).

[name_m]Can[/name_m] [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] [name_u]Louie[/name_u] & [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] [name_f]Augusta[/name_f] work? We probably will very often use their two names as we have a lot of that in our family, but of course, they’ll get shortened to [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] & [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] a lot too.

I don’t think it bothers me and it definitely doesn’t bother anyone else in our family, but just triple-checking that I’m not making a huge mistake :grimacing:


I love both of the combos and they pair very well with each other. I hear the similar sound you’re worried about, but it shouldn’t be a problem. [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] and [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] do sound similar, but in a “hey, we’re siblings” sort of way. Personally, I think this is a lovely sibset that is the perfect amount of similar.


Thank you so much! This makes me feel so much better :blush: I couldn’t tell if my love for [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] was clouding my judgment. I really do like saying them together, but sometimes the name obsession world + pregnancy and parenthood makes it hard to see objectively. So thank you!

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I think they pair well! :slight_smile:

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For me, it would be too close, personally. However if that’s the name you adore I don’t see the point on trying to think of something you like less to avoid this in this instance…I don’t think it’s ridiculous or a a complete no-no or anything.


Thanks! This is how I originally felt. We’ve always loved Hazel, though I felt like when we named Blaise, it ruled out Hazel. But my husband kept bringing it up every single time we talked about names. And the more I’d say Blaise & Hazel together, it started not seeming like as much of a deal-breaker as I’d thought.

Though I’m obviously still pondering it.

She’ll be our 5th (!!), so it’s not just the two of them, and the others aren’t similar at all (M@rielle, C0ra R0se, and Nik0lai) though Blaise will be the closest in age to her. Not sure if that makes a big difference though.

Oh the overthinking! :sweat_smile:

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I don’t think they’re too match-y. [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] and Hazel do share that ‘aze’ sound but the -el, H- and Bl- sounds are distinct enough that they don’t blend in each other.

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They sound great together! Not too similar in my opinion :blush::sunny:

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[name_m]Ah[/name_m] well the fact she’s your 5th makes it even less of an issue. The way it was worded I’d assumed that they’d be each other’s only siblings which would magnify the similarity in the sounds with a direct comparison to each other. And yes, I feel you with the overthinking. And then sometimes I’d think, is there such a thing as overthinking such an important decision? And then realise that was more overthinking :sweat_smile:


I think its fine. The similarity is enough to make them feel like a complimentary pair but not enough to be too matchy and make them sound rhymey or get mixed up.


I don’t like sibling names that share the same vowel sounds so for me it would not work. If that is not a concern for you then it should be fine.

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[name_u]Blaise[/name_u] & [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] are adorable!

I’m certainly not a fan of overly matchy/rhyming sibling names but I do love when a sibset sounds intentionally selected and to me [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] & [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] hit that. They’re not overtly matchy where it will be annoying for them or you however, they share similar sounds and have a similar spunky, sweet feel which makes them feel like the perfect sibling set!

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If it doesn’t bother anyone, why would it be a problem?
The worst that can happen here is you call a name and both kids come running - not ideal, but a small problem. They’re not going to think you gave them the same name or anything. It’s best to use the name you and your husband both love.

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Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate the wonderful sounding board this community is, especially for such an important, enduring, and impactful decision for the little lives on the way :blush:

@Lula-Rose, I definitely dance on the line between overthinking names and thinking there’s no such thing as overthinking an important decision (though my experience naming [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] definitely taught me that there is a line and I crossed it big time :sweat_smile:).

@inroseblush I’m so happy to hear that [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] and [name_u]Hazel[/name_u] hit that mark and sound like intentionally named, but not overdone, siblings :blush:

@lucy_halo1 If two kids actually coming when I call one is the worst of the problems, I’ll be lucky :sweat_smile: Half the time it takes several calls just to get someone to respond :woman_facepalming: And between 5 kids, some dogs, cats, and a horse, they ought to answer to just about any name anyhow :sweat_smile:


At first I didn’t think it was too bad, but the more I say it the more I think they’re too close! For me, it would be a no but I wouldn’t bat an eye if I heard of siblings with theee names!

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Personally I do not think they are too matchy. Yes they share an ‘az.e’ sound but it’s not overwhelmingly matchy. Furthermore as your children grow up there names will be said even less together as they’ll be their own individuals living their own lives so I wouldn’t overthink it

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It’s a little too close to me, personally. BUT I firmly believe you should use what you love, no matter what!

@Evergreeninrain I sort of did the opposite: ruled them out as too close, then started to think they were okay as I said them out loud :sweat_smile: I need to keep playing with them though and see how they feel as time goes.

@tori101 That’s very true! It’s easy to think of siblings as a set (or a bunch!), but the vast majority of their lives they won’t have their names said together hardly at all!

@ladyhope I agree with that advice! I just have trouble applying it to myself and not overthinking :sweat_smile: