My husband likes the name [name_m]Simon[/name_m]…but our last name is [name_m]Baker[/name_m]. I realized there’s an actor from Australia named [name_m]Simon[/name_m] [name_m]Baker[/name_m]. We live in the US, and as far as I know he isn’t too popular of an actor here??–he was in The Mentalist, I know that.
Would it be really weird if we went along with this name?
I like the name and I don’t think it would be weird as long as he has a different middle name!
According to Google, [name_m]Simon[/name_m] [name_m]Baker[/name_m] is 48. He obviously isn’t an old man, but with most celebrities the older you become the less relevant you are. When your [name_m]Simon[/name_m] is 10, [name_m]Simon[/name_m] [name_m]Baker[/name_m] the actor will be almost 60!
In addition, while [name_m]Simon[/name_m] isn’t too popular in the US it’s still a very familiar name and the surname [name_m]Baker[/name_m] isn’t uncommon.
If you still feel weird about sharing the name with the actor what about [name_m]Gideon[/name_m], [name_m]Leon[/name_m], [name_m]Seamus[/name_m], [name_m]Cyrus[/name_m] or [name_m]Cyprian[/name_m]?
Our son’s name is [name_m]Simon[/name_m] and we have a fairly common last name. There is a professional athlete in Australia named [name_m]Simon[/name_m] with our same last name. I don’t think anyone other than my husband and I are aware of this connection. Coincidentally, we are considering giving our second son a name that would be a match with a US actor that I had never heard of prior to my Google search. [name_m]Simon[/name_m] is such a great name that I would not let sharing a name with a less well-known actor stop you from using it.
I love the name [name_m]Simon[/name_m]. I have never heard of the actor and think you shouldn’t let his existence stop you.
Never heard of him, both names are familiar so it isn’t too weird.
I really like [name_m]Simon[/name_m], and [name_m]Simon[/name_m] [name_m]Baker[/name_m] is swoony so it would only be a momentary and positive connection for those who know of him.
[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_m]Simon[/name_m]. [name_m]Baker[/name_m] is a common surname so wouldn’t make the connection.
Never heard of the actor, and I think there are probably multiple people with that name in the world, so I wouldn’t worry!
I don’t think it would be weird at all. I honestly don’t think too many people will even make the connection, and as one pp said, basically I doubt [name_m]Simon[/name_m] [name_m]Baker[/name_m] the actor is going to get any more relevant/popular any time soon. And even if he does, it’s not like his name is [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] Cumberbatch or something super unique like that. I love [name_m]Simon[/name_m]! I think you should go for it, if you love it.
I have heard of the actor but even then I didn’t think of him at all when I read the name until you pointed it out. As others have said, both names are familiar enough for the connection to be basically unnoticeable. It’s a lovely name