Unrealistic but simple and fun [name]Baby[/name] Name Game
Use this [name]Dice[/name]: http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/six.htm
Your Name:
Your Husbands Name:
You and Your husband are 27 years old, you’ve been together for 5 years and happily married for two. It is now the perfect time to start your own family, something you both have been waiting for and very excited about
[name]Roll[/name] the dice for how many times you fall pregnant (keep in mind not how many children you have but how many times you are pregnant)
1- 5
2- 8
3- 10
4- 4
5- 3
6- 7
1st Pregnancy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice for gender
1, 2 = Boy 3, 4, 5 = Girl 6 = Boy/Boy Twins
Boys First Name from: 24 Alternatives to Parker | Nameberry
Girls First Name from: 91 Alternatives to Isabella | Nameberry
Middle Name(s) from: 159 Hot Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
2nd Pregnancy.
[name]Roll[/name] the dice for gender
1, 2, 3 = Girl 4, 5, 6 = Boy
First Name from: 103 Classic Rock Baby Names | Nameberry
Middle Name from: 60 Jazz Baby Names | Nameberry
3rd Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the dice for gender
1 = Boy/Girl Twins
2 or 3 = Girl/Girl Twins
4 or 5 = Boy/Boy Twins
6 = Girl/Girl/Boy Triplets
Boys First name(s) from: 87 Coolated Boys' Names | Nameberry
Girls First name(s) from: 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry
Boys Middle name(s) from: Top Surname Names | Nameberry
Girls Middle name(s) from: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
4th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the dice
1, 3, 5 = Boy 2, 4, 6 = Girl
Boys First Name from: 171 Fastest-Rising Boy Names 2021 | Nameberry
Girls First Name from: https://nameberry.com/list/276/If-You-Like-Danielle-You-Might-Love
Boys Middle Name from: 19 Alternatives to Braden | Nameberry
Girls Middle Name from: 298 Fastest-Rising Girl Names 2021 | Nameberry
5th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the [name]Dice[/name]
1, 2 = Girl 3 = Girl/Girl Twins 4, 5, 6 = Boy
Girls First Name from: 50 Top Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Boys First Name from: 50 Top Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry
Middle Name from: Vintage Baby Names | Nameberry
6th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the [name]Dice[/name]
1, 2, 3 = Girl 4, 5, 6 = Boy
Girls First Name from: Pretty Girl Names | Nameberry
Boys First Name from: Cool Boy Names | Nameberry
Middle Name from: 100 Coolest Baby Names That Aren't Really Names | Nameberry
7th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the [name]Dice[/name]
1, 4 = Girl 2 = Boy/Boy Twins 3 = Girl/Girl Twins 5, 6 = Boy
Girls First Name(s) from: 120 Coolated Girls' Names | Nameberry
Boys First Name(s) from: Prince Names | Nameberry
Girls Middle Name(s) from: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Boys Middle Name(s) from: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry
8th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the [name]Dice[/name]
1, 3, 5 = Girl 2, 4, 6 = Boy
Boys First Name from: Colonial Names for Boys | 1700s Names | Nameberry
Girls First Name from: Colonial Names for Girls | 1700s Names | Nameberry
Boys Middle Name from: 108 Boy Names Dads Like More Than Moms | Nameberry
Girls Middle Name from: 100 Good Girl Names | Nameberry
9th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the [name]Dice[/name]
1, 6 = Boy 2= Boy/Girl Twins 3, 4, 5 = Girl
First Name from: 147 Supermodel Baby Names | Nameberry
Middle Name from: Ancient Roman Names | Nameberry
10th Pregnancy
[name]Roll[/name] the [name]Dice[/name]
1 = Boy/Boy/Girl Triplets
2, 3 = Boy/Girl Twins
4 = Boy/Boy/Girl/Girl Quads
5, 6 = Girl/Girl/Boy Triplets
Girls First Names from: 200 Trending Girl Names | Nameberry
Boys First Names from: 229 Best Irish Boy Names | Nameberry
Girls Middle Names from: Nicknames for Girls | Nameberry
Boys Middle Names from: 22 Names to Substitute for Jacob | Nameberry
Please list you and your entire family, add ages if you like as well