Sister for Lilliana

So I’m writing a fairy tale–[name_m]Don[/name_m]'t laugh.
I watched Sleeping Beauty with my sister this weekend and let my mind run away with how breathtakingly lovely the animation is, especially the cottage and the entire sequence of Once Upon a [name_u]Dream[/name_u]. The imagery of the cottage is in my head, to give you an idea of context/setting. I’m also inspired by Beauty and the Beast for this project.

I am not naming the parents. The father (referred to as the father, daddy, or the man) is a shy, humble carpenter who is a doting dad. The mother (AKA the woman or Mama) I picture to be a bit like [name_f]Belle[/name_f] from Beauty and the Beast. She is intelligent and funny, but more of a worrier over her girls than her husband. In true fairy tale fashion, they die in the second chapter, leaving their 4 year old daughters with clueless, somewhat tactless, relatives. They have twin girls, blonde and blue-eyed: [name_f]Liliana[/name_f], who is a lot like her mom. Incredibly intelligent, adventurous, and protective. Her twin sister, who I need a name for, has a disability. She can crawl but not walk (her sister pulls her around in a wagon their dad built) and is mostly unable to speak, which leads the relatives to underestimate her, leading to the need for her sister to take action. She is very observant and watchful, loves to smile and laugh and roughhouse with her sister, and gets frustrated with being underestimated. I want her name to have spunk as well as sweetness. I’ve considered [name_f]Violet[/name_f], [name_f]Naomi[/name_f], [name_f]Maisy[/name_f], and [name_f]Grace[/name_f] but none of those feel right.

All of this to say, what would you name [name_f]Liliana[/name_f]'s twin?

[name_f]Gabriella[/name_f] or [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] :slight_smile: Fun idea!