Sister for Stella

[name]Stella[/name] is getting a baby sister, and she needs a name! I care as much about a good sibset as I do about loving the name, so would y’all help by telling me which of the names below go nicely with [name]Stella[/name] and which do not? And add your own suggestions if you’re so inclined!

Favorites are…

  • [name]Lucy[/name]
  • [name]Luna[/name] (I prefer [name]Lucy[/name] but like the “star” and “moon” meanings. I do think, though, that a name that doesn’t end in “a” is preferable.)
  • [name]Roslyn[/name]
  • [name]Catherine[/name]
  • [name]Eden[/name]
  • [name]Eloise[/name] (el sound too much?)
  • [name]Haley[/name]
  • [name]Jolie[/name]
  • [name]Dahlia[/name]

From your list, I like [name]Catherine[/name] as a sister to [name]Stella[/name] best. [name]Lucy[/name] is very cute too. Here are some names that immediately come to mind.


[name]Stella[/name] is a beautiful name!

My daughter is named [name]Stella[/name] too, and we’re considering [name]Lucy[/name] for baby #2 (on the way), so I obviously like your choices a lot. :slight_smile: I agree that a name without an “a” makes a slightly better subset. Unfortunately, some of the names I can’t let go of end in “a”, so I’ll just give you all the ones we’re considering:


I’m very curious to see other replies to this post!

Oops, should also add that from your list I really like [name]Catherine[/name], [name]Lucy[/name], and [name]Dahlia[/name].

Off the top of my head, [name]Phoebe[/name] is goddess of the moon. I think subtle connections to [name]Stella[/name]'s star meaning is best. [name]Esther[/name] also means star. I like the suggestion of [name]Celeste[/name], though that’s a bit of a tongue twister together I also love [name]Dahlia[/name] from your list, have you considered [name]Delphine[/name]?

Great name choices, of these I like [name]Lucy[/name] the best. I love [name]Eloise[/name] (personally considering it) but it does have that repeat “el” sound. Here are some of my other faves to go with [name]Stella[/name]:

[name]Fiona[/name] (loved that suggestion from above)
[name]Audrey[/name] (ditto on above)

I love [name]Phoebe[/name] as a suggestion! [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Phoebe[/name] sound great together!

First of all, I love [name]Stella[/name]. I’m curious as to her middle name? :slight_smile:

For a little sister of [name]Stella[/name] I like:
[name]Eden[/name] (from your list)
[name]Fiona[/name] as mentioned above
I also really like piper as a spunky sweet addition to the beautifully feminine [name]Stella[/name].

I like the Idea of a harder consonant sound also like a j or a k if someone could find a good matching name for [name]Stella[/name]. I hope this helped! :slight_smile:
Again I very much love [name]Stella[/name]! Best of luck! :slight_smile:

[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Lucy[/name] are my picks from your current list :slight_smile: both would be adorable with [name]Stella[/name]!

With [name]Stella[/name] I like:

[name]Luna[/name] (although, together, they form the name of one of my daughter’s favorite books –Stellaluna - Wikipedia)

Also like [name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] with [name]Stella[/name].